[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Urban Discoveries

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Tue Aug 23 11:43:17 UTC 2022

I am forwarding the below message from the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition to anyone who is interested.  Contact Jamie Lewis if you have questions.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Subject: Urban Discoveries
Date: 22 August 2022 at 16:28:49 MDT
To: Brenda Carney-Liaison for APAC Committee <brcarney at q.com<mailto:brcarney at q.com>>, brenda mosby <blm at mosbyservices.com<mailto:blm at mosbyservices.com>>, Jake Cohen <jakecohen at me.com<mailto:jakecohen at me.com>>, Curtis Chong <chong.curtis at gmail.com<mailto:chong.curtis at gmail.com>>, Gabe Christie <Gabe.Christie at rtd-denver.com<mailto:Gabe.Christie at rtd-denver.com>>, Donna Sablan <dsablan at ccdconline.org<mailto:dsablan at ccdconline.org>>, Gary Van Dorn <garyvdrn at msn.com<mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com>>, "Earl Lee (lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>)" <lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>>, Hillary Jorgensen <hjorgensen at ccdconline.org<mailto:hjorgensen at ccdconline.org>>, "Hinds, Chris - CC Member District 10 Denver City Council" <chris.hinds at denvergov.org<mailto:chris.hinds at denvergov.org>>, Jim Hayes <JPHayes717 at hotmail.com<mailto:JPHayes717 at hotmail.com>>, Jill Locantore <jill at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:jill at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>, Kevin Williams <kwilliams at ccdconline.org<mailto:kwilliams at ccdconline.org>>, Latoya Prante <lprante at drmac-co.org<mailto:lprante at drmac-co.org>>, Stephanie Oneill <soneill at drmac-co.org<mailto:soneill at drmac-co.org>>, Paolo Solorzano <Paolo.C.Solorzano at gmail.com<mailto:Paolo.C.Solorzano at gmail.com>>, Laurice Quinn <lauriceq at hotmail.com<mailto:lauriceq at hotmail.com>>, Julie Reiskin <jreiskin at ccdconline.org<mailto:jreiskin at ccdconline.org>>, Darion Ramos <dramos at phamaly.org<mailto:dramos at phamaly.org>>, Jose Torres-Vega <jtvega at ccdconline.org<mailto:jtvega at ccdconline.org>>, David Wright <djw at frii.com<mailto:djw at frii.com>>, Stella Yu <stella.yu at arts-street.org<mailto:stella.yu at arts-street.org>>, Deya Zavala <dzavala at milehighconnects.org<mailto:dzavala at milehighconnects.org>>
Reply-To: jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>

Our program, Urban Discoveries, ends on September 1, 2022. As a reminder, if you know of someone with a qualified disability who
could use a trip in the urban area (for fun or just integration back into the community after Covid) please connect with me with the connection below.


Jaime Lewis
CCDC Transit Advisor

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