[Colorado-Talk] What we were doing 100 years ago

Peggy Chong chongpeggy10 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 22:35:57 UTC 2022

Here is another of our records I thought you might be interested in.  Note
one of the board members is Elias M. Ammons. Those who know their Colorado
history will recognize him as a former governor of our state.  Yes, Mr.
Ammons was most likely legally blind from his early 20's.  We yet to find
absolute proof, but it is well documented that his eye trouble made it most
difficult to read. Although the organization had up to three paid employees,
much of the work done was through volunteers.


Peggy Chong


December 21, 1922


The regular business meeting of the Association was called to order at 9:20
P.M. by Pres. Wilcox. Roll call of officers was then taken with all officers
present, with the exception of E.M. Ammons, Vice Pres. was excused by the
President. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was ordered
dispensed with.  The next order of business was the President's report for
1922. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the reading of the report was
ordered dispensed with. Sec. Treasurer's report for the year was then read
and was moved and seconded by the association that the report be accepted.
Reports for committees was then in order. Mr. Hopkins chairman of the
Colored Committee of the Blind, then reported that he had made a canvas of
the Colored Churches of the City and had succeeded in getting one member
from each church to assist on the committee with him to help look after the
Colored Blind of the City. The next was the report of the Office Manager
Mrs. L. Wilcox which is as follows. 

This has been the busiest year in the history of the Association and
following is an itemized account of the business done: 

Callers - 3640

Phone calls made - 1630

Letters written - 650

Notices sent out - 2460 

Programs arranged - 14

Applications benefit - 106

Affidavits - 311

Street Car Trip - 800 

Trips to Safety Vault - 78

Trips to bank - 56

Funerals conducted - 18

Welfare visitations - 956 

Out of town visits - 16

Lectures delivered - 7


Handling of supplies

Clothing received and dispersed - $1,950 

Household effects - $50 

Coal and groceries - $6.50 

Canes and Cork Leg - $62.50 

Medical Relief - $25.00 


Mrs. Lute Wilcox 


Report accepted and ordered placed on file. 


The Election for the Board of Directors, which consists of seven members,
was next in order. They are as follows for 1923. 


Elias M. Ammons 

Lucius M. Wilcox

Albert S. Gunlin

Charles Gum

David Williams 

Richard M. Jordan 

Charles. B. Young


There being no other candidates it was unanimously moved and seconded that
by the unanimous vote of the Association be cast for the above candidates. 

The resolution was then read which is as follows:  

Whereas, it has been the arduous duty each month for several years to have
the seats of this Hall procured and arranged systematically by our esteemed
members, F. W. Jordan, A. L. Gum.

And whereas in as much as these faithful gentlemen have in no wise been
recompensed for all this gratuitous labor, performed so willingly and
competently, be it therefore

Resolved that this Association shall herewith order them paid complimentary
bonus as may hereby be decided upon as a token of our appreciation of their
patient and invaluable services. 

Pres. Wilcox reported that the Association was now a full fledged member of
the Community Chest, and entitled to their quota from the Chest. He also
stated that he should like to have the names of deserving blind families,
that would be deserving of Xmas baskets. These names to be turned into him
at once. Chaplain Walter S. Rudolph resigned his position as Chaplain of the
Association on account of his being not able to give it the time that it
required. He offered up a prayer at the beginning of the program. Pres.
Wilcox asked for names of ministers that might be able to act as Chaplain,
these names to be turned into him. Pres. Wilcox called a meeting of the
Directors to be held at 10 A.M January 1- 1923 at the Office of the
Association, 711- 17th St. After refreshments of Coffee, Doughnuts, and
Apples, meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. 


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