[Colorado-Talk] RSVP for Spooky Halloween Funfest this Saturday

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 20:45:33 UTC 2022

Halloween Fun Fest!
October 15, 2022
at the Colorado Center for the Blind
Hosted by NFB Denver Chapter

Admit it. You’re too scared to RSVP for the NFB of Denver Halloween
Funfest. It’s this Saturday, October 15 at the Colorado Center for the
Blind starting at noon (after the Denver Chapter meeting).

No, you’re afraid you won’t win the Costume contest, or you might get
scratched in the spooky pin-the-tail-on-the-black-cat, or be eaten by
the zombie in the Creepy pin the eye on the zombie!  And the other
games, like the Erie game of gravestone ring toss or Possibly a
horrifying game of musical chairs, or watching the original Hocus
Pocus have been causing your heart to race and your palms to sweat!

No, it’s just way too spooky for you!

But then, there will be fun prizes for outstanding kids’ costumes and
cash prizes for the top adult costumes. And the CCB Student
Association will be selling meatball subs and a drink for $7, and
there will be Trick-or-treating for the kids, and pumpkin decorating
for the little ones and apple cider, and much, much more!

Yes, you would really miss out if you don’t RSVP to Erin Daley at
daleyem at gmail.com by Wednesday, October 12  so that we can get a

Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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