[Colorado-Talk] Blind parents

Maureen Nietfeld maureenbassmaster at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 22:56:02 UTC 2022

Blind Parents division meeting Thursday, October 13 6:30 PM until 8 PM mountain time

Join the Blind Parents division for our annual division meeting and annual business meeting.

We are excited to have Stacy Lee, chair of the Blind Parents group of Pennsylvania, share her story with us. She will also share with us how successful the Blind Parents group has been in Pennsylvania and share with us ideas we can use to grow our division. Amira Lucas will be joining us from the Parents of Blind Children division to let us know what’s happening and how we can partner to grow stronger together. We will also hear about our fundraising and discuss ways we should be spending our treasury to support our division. Let’s brainstorm some great ideas for the upcoming year and finally we will have elections. 

It is five dollars to join the division. Please pay dues with the PayPal link below and participate in making this next year an exciting one!! 


6:30 to 6:40 PM Introductions
6:40 to 7:10 PM Hear from Stacy
7:10 to 7:25 PM Hear from Amira
7:25 to 7:45 PM Fundraising and brainstorming
7:45 to 8:00 PM Elections

Here is the Zoom information to join the meeting. 
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 8 3 0 7 6 5 9 9 7 4 3 
Passcode: 1 1 1 1 
One tap mobile 

Dial by your location 
+1 719 359 4580 
Meeting ID: 8 3 0 7 6 5 9 9 7 4 3 

Maureen Nietfeld 
Student Services Director 
Colorado Center for the Blind 
Phone: 303.778.1130  Ext:  233 
Fax:  303.778.1598 
2233 W. Shepperd Ave. 
Littleton, CO 80120 

Take Charge with Confidence and Self-Reliance 

Maureen Nietfeld 
Student Services Director 
Colorado Center for the Blind 
Phone: 303.778.1130  Ext:  233 
Fax:  303.778.1598 
2233 W. Shepperd Ave. 
Littleton, CO 80120 
Take Charge with Confidence and Self-Reliance 
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