[Colorado-Talk] FW: ACTION: Denver International Airport Feedback Requested
doula.jarboe at gmail.com
doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 00:12:07 UTC 2022
Greetings Everyone,
Interesting that this came up considering our own trying to deal with Uber issues out at the airport. I haven’t flown in a very long time, so other’s input would be greatly appreciated. Our next DeafBlind Citizen’s council meeting is October 13th. And there is a registration process for getting the link to attend the meeting. If interested, feel free to email me, and I’ll be happy to send that info along. Hope
Eyone has a fantastic holiday weekend.
From: Katie Cue <katie.cue at state.co.us>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 12:42 PM
To: celstad at theindependencecenter.org; deafblind.wellness at gmail.com; Doula Jarboe <doula.jarboe at gmail.com>; Gregory Hammond <gregoryshammond at gmail.com>; Jonathan.pringle at hknc.org; nvineyard212 at gmail.com; Alice George <ageorge8221 at gmail.com>; Anthony, Tanni <anthony_t at cde.state.co.us>; caninesandcanes <caninesandcanes at gmail.com>; CAROLYN HAAS <carolynhaas at me.com>; Christy Blakely <christy at familyvoicesco.org>; Clark, Keith <Keith.Clark122 at t-mobile.com>; Cliff Moers - CDHS <cliff.moers at state.co.us>; Cynde Vaughn <cynde.vaughn at icloud.com>; Eleanor Coley-Brody <eleanor.coley-brody at hknc.org>; Herrera, Gina <Herrera_G at cde.state.co.us>; JoAnne Hirsch - CDHS <joanne.hirsch at state.co.us>; Karen Park <park.m.karen at gmail.com>; Kiera <kierazink at gmail.com>; Megan Bowser <mstone316 at gmail.com>; Michelle Hoagland <michelle at hoaglandterpssp.com>; Renee Klotzbach <dennyklotz at gmail.com>; Roberto Cabrera <deafroberto at gmail.com>; Ruthie Jordan <ruthiejordan at gmail.com>; Ryan Hawkins - CDHS <ryan.hawkins at state.co.us>; Tassie Holt <tassiecholt at gmail.com>; Vickie Pacheco <vatochoclat at msn.com>; Victoria Keatting <vkeatting at gmail.com>; Brian Channey <interstitium5 at gmail.com>
Cc: Luke Adams <luke.adams at state.co.us>
Subject: ACTION: Denver International Airport Feedback Requested
Hello all,
Recently Luke Adams and myself were invited to join an accessibility group tour at the Denver International Airport to provide feedback on improving accessibility. Although they tried to assemble a diverse group of people with "hidden disabilities" - it is impossible to cover the full spectrum.
We pointed out that the group was missing a crucial perspective from the deafblind communities. We tried to share feedback where we recognized accessibility issues for those who are deafblind and/or have vision issues such as the flooring design in some areas, the lighting glare on the floors in some areas, harsh sunlight in some areas, abrupt lighting changes, difficulty in hearing announcements, suitable alternatives for visual and audio information, navigating the airport, identifying accessibility stations (e.g., bathrooms, telephones, seating, etc), the glass walls used in the upper concourse areas, etc.
However, we do not have lived experience with deafblindness as many of you on this mailing list do. I asked for permission to solicit additional feedback from deafblind stakeholders as well as professionals who work with this population and offered to compile the feedback for the accessibility committee. So this email is being sent out to all those who have feedback/things to consider from your experiences of traveling through the Denver International Airport.
Our tour focused on a few main areas and it would be helpful to breakdown feedback by these topics:
1. Airport arrival (transportation drop-off, light rail, etc)
2. Navigating the ticket counter
3. Navigating security
4. Traveling from security to your concourse
Note - we will not focus much on individual gates here because that is largely outside of the airport's control. At the gate - individual airlines have different setups and DIA does not always have much control over those areas.
You are welcome to share feedback however you are most comfortable. I am reachable via email, phone, virtual meetings, etc. I will also add this to the agenda for our next DBCC meeting in October. However, I wanted to share this feedback now to give you an opportunity to gather your thoughts. Feel free to share this far and wide with your network!
Katie Cue, Ed.D.
Outreach and Consultative Services Manager - Deaf Specialist
Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
Pronouns: she, her, hers
P: 720.235.0062 | F: 303.866.4831
1575 Sherman St., Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203
katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us> | ccdhhdb.com <http://www.ccdhhdb.com/> | facebook.com/ccdhhdb <http://facebook.com/ccdhhdb>
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