[Colorado-Talk] help with using a wireless keyboard connected to a ipad with using voiceover

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 00:51:41 UTC 2023

hello all,

well, i finally decied to get into the world of apple products. as a
matter of fact i got as a early christmas present a new ipad. i cannot
use the ipad alone since i don't have coordination in my fingers so, i
also got a wireless keyboard for it too also from apple too!

i tried finding a tutorial on how to use it with voiceover on apple
vis but, there was no success.

so, i was wondering if anyone has a user guide on how to use the
wireless keyboard with voiceover which is connected to the ipad
perhaps or has a link or knows where i can find it on the net perhaps?

any help would be greatly appreciated since i have never used
voiceover before as a screen reader only jaws.

amy sabo

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