[Colorado-Talk] FW: Notice to Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind stakeholders

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Thu Dec 14 20:09:30 UTC 2023

The fact is for many years it has been standard practice for CDHS to cover their incompetence with a complete lack of transparency. The apologies from the deputy director do nothing to bring opportunity and equality to our deafblind brothers and sisters. 


From: Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Julie Reiskin via Colorado-Talk
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:01 AM
To: NFB of Colorado Discussion List <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Julie Reiskin <jreiskin at ccdconline.org>
Subject: Re: [Colorado-Talk] FW: Notice to Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind stakeholders


This was known before July 2023 by some.  I have heard in the past couple of days from interpreters who were not getting paid in April and May of last year.  They were not paid in April and May and had to wait until September.  None of this was made public to the community.  The same happened to SSP providers.  I think asking why CDHS did not ask for more money last year is a very good question and why they did not even ask for more money in this upcoming budget that begins July 01 2024 is another good question.  Completely inexcusable in my opinion.   They claim they did not know the true need, did not have data, but I do not believe this.  I think part of the problem is lack of cultural competence to work with the community.  The notice from CDHS is not going to be readable to most of our Deaf brothers and sisters because English is not their primary language and this notice is college level or higher and not written so that it is easy to understand even for those of us who are strongly proficient in English.    The Commission staff do not have budget staff or analysts on their team but CDHS does and should have been supporting the Commission.


With Gratitude,

Julie Reiskin

Co-Executive Director
Email Address: jreiskin at ccdconline.org <mailto:jreiskin at ccdconline.org> 

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
1385 S. Colorado Blvd. Bldg. A., Suite 610
Denver, CO 80222
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On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 8:50 AM Dan Burke via Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org <mailto:colorado-talk at nfbnet.org> > wrote:

Thank you for sharing this Doula. IOt's helpful to read this. The
question that needs to b e asked of these folks, and tomorrow is a
good time at the JBC hearing on CDHS, "Did these trends just start on
July 1, 2023? And if not, why didn't CDHS ask for more moneyin the
last legislature?"

On 12/13/23, Doula Jarboe via Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org <mailto:colorado-talk at nfbnet.org> > wrote:
> Greetings to My Federation Family,
>     I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.  This is the most
> recent information I have received about the Commission and so am passing it
> along to all of you.  I very much hope we can find both a short-term and
> long-term solution to keeping these services running.  Thanks.
> Warmly,
> Doula
> From: Mindy Gates <mindy.gates at state.co.us <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us> >
> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 2:52 PM
> To: doula.jarboe at gmail.com <mailto:doula.jarboe at gmail.com> 
> Subject: Notice to Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
> stakeholders
> <https://mcusercontent.com/44d99e91254ef7d2bb23b5e03/images/284a6d49-eb5f-0e65-6027-c0d252fb2972.png>
> Dear CCDHHDB consumers, vendors and stakeholders,
> The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deafblind
> (CCDHHDB) is a program located within the Office of Adult, Aging and
> Disability Services within the Colorado Department of Human Services.
> Similar to many other department programs and services, CCDHHDB services are
> separate from an entitlement program, which means there are not unlimited
> funds to meet the needs of those served by the CCDHHDB. Rather, the CCDHHDB
> receives an appropriation for the fiscal year to fulfill its statutory
> obligations.
> I’m reaching out to inform you that due to an increased demand for CCDHHDB
> services over the past year or so, we are set to outpace the appropriation
> for the CCDHHDB this year. Because service needs and requests vary
> throughout the year and can fluctuate for various reasons over time, we
> cannot confidently know the exact need for this year. However, we have taken
> steps to ensure the CCDHHDB stays within its appropriated budget this fiscal
> year, including reducing operational overhead costs and establishing
> prioritization criteria within services to be provided this year.
> While historically the CCDHHDB has not fully spent its appropriation, there
> appear to be a number of factors that have led to an increased number of
> requests and costs associated with providing CCDHHDB services, including:
> *     COVID-19: The end of the height of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to more
> DHHDB individuals engaging in activities that lead to the need for CCDHHDB
> services.
> *     Outreach: The CCDHHDB and other stakeholders have been successful in
> making DHHDB individuals throughout Colorado aware of the services available
> and have increased the visibility of the Commission.
> *     Addition of new programs: Over the past several years, legislation and
> other initiatives have led to new programs and more awareness of available
> services. As those ramp up over time, we've learned more about the costs of
> implementing them.
> *     Travel costs: Not only are mileage and lodging becoming more expensive,
> but there is an increase in mileage and lodging costs due to more ASL
> interpreting and other assignments being in person as opposed to being
> virtual during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
> These factors lead us to conclude that the increased demand for CCDHHDB
> services will be a trend that will continue rather than an anomaly this
> year. We are in the process of further analyzing data to better understand
> the increased demand so we can assess and address the needs for the future.
> Specifically, the Legal Auxiliary Services Program, Rural Auxiliary Services
> Program and Support Services Program are all on track to have greater demand
> than funding available this year. The CCDHHDB has not stopped all service
> provisions; rather, the CCDHHDB staff will continue to assess each request
> for services as it comes in and apply the criteria for service priorities
> and available funding and staff resources to make determinations as to
> whether a request is filled and communicate with individuals directly as to
> whether the request can be filled. It is essential that individuals continue
> to submit requests for services because the CCDHHDB is able to meet some
> requests, and for those requests, the CCDHHDB is unable to fill, that data
> is critical to our ability to identify and assess the need so we can work to
> address any gaps in services in the future.
> Finally, I want to acknowledge that the communication to consumers, vendors
> and stakeholders on this issue has not been as proactive and transparent as
> you have come to expect from CDHS. In an attempt to rectify that going
> forward, we plan to hold stakeholder meetings with the DHHDB community in
> January to provide an update on the status of the CCDHHDB budget and
> services for this year and gather feedback on how we can do better in the
> future at engaging critical stakeholders.
> If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact me directly
> at  <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us> > mindy.gates at state.co.us <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us> .
> Mindy Gates
> Deputy Director
> Office of Adult, Aging and Disability Services
> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/OOUInS607twsvpvc0GF30Y7HEdoxRzSBTXFSRGhLSgWaqhmqLl-o8TWlB9Fi_Mg-cIbvEqmb9-Ra_EOG2CyCTQKtBsIE9THs956C66l7-UwwJy2dRHhKdDOiAkS54CztR7gA2XOs>
>  <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us> > mindy.gates at state.co.us <mailto:mindy.gates at state.co.us>   I
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Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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