[Colorado-Talk] FW: December SSP Services

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 23:24:13 UTC 2023

Howdy All,


     This is the most recent information I have heard.  I missed the DBCC meeting today, but hopefully will make the one mentioned to be scheduled sometime next week.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Thanks.




From: Katie Cue <katie.cue at state.co.us> 
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 4:03 PM
To: DBS <dbs.ccdhhdb at state.co.us>; Cliff Moers - CDHS <cliff.moers at state.co.us>; Mindy Gates - CDHS <mindy.gates at state.co.us>
Subject: December SSP Services



This email is going out to the vendors and consumers with email addresses. We will follow up with phone calls - feel free to help spread the word among yourselves.


As Mindy Gates, Deputy Director of the CDHS Office of Adult, Aging, and Disability Services (CCDHHDB's boss) has shared in her recent update to stakeholders and in today's DBCC meeting, we are still working to prioritize SSP services and budgetary issues. We will share more details soon.


However, to be clear - SSP services ARE active. At this time, we are able to provide up to 10 hours of SSP services for consumers for December while we finalize details. 


Since it is a Friday afternoon heading into the weekend, we wanted to share this info ASAP so vendors and consumers can touch base to make arrangements and send in requests. Scheduling staff will send out confirmations beginning Monday. 


Note: We have a list of unfulfilled requests but we would not want to assume those requests are still active as many have "expired".  So even if you have already made a request - please send them in again to expedite the process.


As mentioned above, we have been asked to restrict hours to 8-10 a month per consumer. We are also tasked with ensuring requests are "essential" so we are still required to review requests at this time until prioritization and budget matters become more clear.


Send those requests in and we'll process confirmations as fast as possible based on the limited criteria that we have been given. PLEASE do not proceed with a job without confirmation - they will not be paid. Please try to keep mileage for all assignments to under 50 miles (excluding SSP driving time to and from consumers). 


We appreciate your patience and grace. We will also work with DBCC to set up a virtual meeting sometime next week with Mindy to discuss plans going forward. More details will come from DBCC.





Katie Cue, Ed.D. 

Outreach and Consultative Services Manager - Deaf Specialist

Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind

English Pronouns: she, her, hers

ASL pronouns: 👉🏼 / 👉🏼 / 🖐🏼


Feedback is important to me as I continue to grow and learn. Please email me back or schedule a time to have a conversation if you have feedback about my words or actions.


P: 720.235.0062 | F: 303.866.4831

1575 Sherman St., Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203

katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us>  | ccdhhdb.com <http://www.ccdhhdb.com/>  | facebook.com/ccdhhdb <http://facebook.com/ccdhhdb> 




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