[Colorado-Talk] Being

Gail Hamilton gail at soaringintogreatness.com
Thu Dec 28 20:06:56 UTC 2023

Being vs being

Getting Back on Track

My passion is writing! Whether I'm writing a blog, a journal entry, a speech, or a new book, I love writing. I'm not sure if it's the kinesthetic act of putting my fingers to the computer, or if it's my thoughts going out of my brain into the world. Whatever the reason, I know that writing is part of my bridge that connects me to Self, Spirit, and others, and, I know I'm compelled to write daily no matter what!

For the past several months, I've been off track giving in to the whims of what others want me to do. I forgot to follow my passion, focus on my heart, and forgive others and love myself. The three Fs.

#1. Follow your Passion.
When the storms of life come along, all any of us can do is to follow our passions, do what is ours to do, and do what brings us joy! Life's too short to be tethered to jobs, relationships, friends, and/or anyone or anything that doesn't bring us joy. And, of course, "we are the creators of our destinies, the composers of our symphonies, and we must choose to live a life of greatness"! We must choose to live our passions! At all costs, we must drop our weights of fear, negativity, and feelings of separateness, and pick up our wings of love, gratitude, and oneness. And, at the end of the day, the only way to follow our passion is to take action.

#2. Focus on your heart.
Focusing on our heart requires us to: drop down into our heart, connect to our heart, and, discern how we want to live our one precious life! Focusing on our heart means no matter the outward storms of our life we must remember:
We're not alone
We're loved, loving, and lovable
We're a child of God and put here for a divine purpose

We're not put here on earth to work 9 to 5 at our jobs, relationships, etc. Our external life is here to assist us find our True divine internal life. Some tools to help us focus on our heart could involve, deep breathing, feeling our feelings, tuning out the world and turn in to ourselves, praying, meditating, and listening.

3. Forgive and love your Self.
Love involves being in relationship. That relationship could be spirit, Self, family, friends, a pet, nature, or career. We all have experienced the hardships and growing pains of love. In order to persevere, we have to be willing to trust, be vulnerable, forgive, commit, communicate, be honest, be kind, and to Have gratitude. This balancing act takes many forms and does not follow one size fits all prescription. And yet, we all long for this relationship and connection that we call love.

My passion is writing. What’s yours?
Are you focusing on your heart or the desires of others?
Are you loving your Self enough for “you to do you?”

The challenge today is to get back on track. Do something! Anything! Change the storms of your life! Be bold and build a new bridge. In this way you will follow your passion, focus on your heart, and forgive and love anew. The important idea here is to change the way you see and change the way you live!

Click Here to Read More of Gail's Blog (https://soaringintogreatness.com/blog/)

** Inspired by Gail's Posts?

Gail is a powerful international motivational speaker, trainer,  and author. She guides and inspires audiences to recognize and shed their fears so they too can soar into their greatness. Gail is available for keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, workshops and retreats.

Book Her for Your Next Event (https://soaringintogreatness.com/speaking-topics/)

Gail's Speaking Topics


Soaring Into Greatness:
How to Live an Unstoppable, Unforgettable & Unbelievable life

Flying Free With The Triple Three:
The Power of Alignment, Attitude & Action

Lessons Learned From Man's Best Friend:
Trust, Love & Commitment

Focusing On What Really Matters:
Change the Way You See and You'll Change the Way You Live.

Do’s and Don’ts Regarding Interacting with a Blind Person:
Things Everyone Needs to Know

Stepping into the Light:
Making Sense of Your Seven Senses
Get Gail's Inspirational Book: Soaring Into Greatness (https://soaringintogreatness.com/purchase-book/)

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Soaring Into Greatness
3500 S. Sherman St. #143
Englewood, Colorado 80113

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