[Colorado-Talk] 2023 summer reading program at the douglas county libaries

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 15:45:44 UTC 2023

hello all,

well, i hope that you all are doing good and, are gettijng ready for a
doggone summer full of fun and reading!

yes, that's correct this year's theme is "dog days of summer" and, we
can't wait to start it off!

from june 3rd-july 31st we will be doing lots of fun events, prizes,
giveways, treats and sooo much fun so, go fetch for it!

so, for all of the information including prizes, events, giveways and,
to sign up online just go to our website for all of the information
please pass this information onto all of your families, friends,
co-workers and, associates for all of us to have some doggone fun!

also, if you live in the lonetree or highlands ranch area please come
on by to get your sign up prize and, to also say hi to me too! i will
be working at these branches for the summer since the castle rock
branch is closed for construction and, will have a grand opening of
the new libary on august 26th.

so, i hope that you will have a bow wow summer!

amy sabo

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