[Colorado-Talk] Doing work for my job

Elizabeth Sprecher elizabeth.sprecher103 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 21:59:28 UTC 2024

Hi, so I am struggling with filling out paperwork for my job. And it involves putting certain information into columns or an Excel sheet, to collect data. So, I am teaching piano right now, and they want me to collect information on how many students I have and their age and are they taking private lessons and so on.
So I thought I could fill out this table, but even when I had Ira help me edit in the table, they could not. So then I talked to my colleague, and he put the document in an Excel format, but now I cannot open the Excel, or it won’t read what’s in the Excel, and I explained to him that it Has to be edible. So, I went in my Gmail and tried to open it on Google sheets, but it says the file is too large. What do you suggest I do?
Sent from my iPhone

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