[Community-service] Community Service call, Jan 9, 6p.m. est.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 09:23:01 UTC 2011

Greetings all,
 We hope you  had a very happy holidays with  family and friends!
 We want to invite you to our next community service committee call on
Sunday, Janurary 9 at 6p.m. ET.
 We will be  having Guest Speaker and current committee Secretary,
Christine Parsons   on the call sharing about her  experiences in the
community service world.
 As well, we will be talking about  the activities we have been
working on and  would like  to work on.
  So please join  us on Sunday  Janurary  9 at 6p.m. ET.  And call in
by using   the following information: (218) 339-3600 and using
passcode 808277.  We look Forward to  having you on the call.

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin

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