[Community-service] Fwd: National Service Briefing: GYSD Project Ideas

ds94124 at aol.com ds94124 at aol.com
Mon Feb 25 05:29:04 UTC 2013

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> From: YSA <nsbinfo at ysa.org>
> Date: February 21, 2013, 6:16:40 PM PST
> To: ds94124 at aol.com
> Subject: National Service Briefing: GYSD Project Ideas
> Reply-To: nsbinfo at ysa.org
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> National Service Briefing [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5ub4QW5wsSO9nYOd9FGk700vaQePLOrop7nmp1PI93BW5eIWkJMt5JYhEmTVNeH368rtYniBW5bOCrhVBfMlcQYU6hm2pQrJ-olQzUtQh1ciQ==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YSA Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tKJxPoDCw-Lgu2Ijk7OGzFzilPIoqELg1hB2rZ4DPlwUDe6cinjsscORSF2YjSqo020Sv3ccxpsDBki1If71RyaMYeAg5r5ck=]National Service Briefing
> published by Youth Service America
> February 21, 2013
> Volume 20, No. 8
> Circulation: 41,000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> GYSD Project Ideas
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> What fires you up? What issues do you care about? What would you like to change 
> to make your world better? Explore ideas and resources to help you plan your Global
> Youth Service Day project!
> These ideas provide opportunities for you to get involved with YSA partners like
> KaBOOM!, the Red Cross, March of Dimes, First Book, National Wildlife Federation,
> Earth Day Network, Roots & Shoots, Share Our Strength, Habitat for Humanity, StopBullying.gov,
> and more!
> Choose one of these project ideas - or come up with one of your own - and you'll
> be on your way to finding your voice, taking action, and creating change on Global
> Youth Service Day, April 26-28.
> Choose your GYSD project:
> www.GYSD.org/project_ideas [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tIPQQA8rEqFUrhHNdixMZn2zSs1ULwbeYoTaHkJEcNAuQSKrBnIhY847vzhXCM4823ZrfeHMm1L4G3cBaX4Kjn_DkFPZ1PnbRK7lcsAKHlCZkywK6JgLIW]Then, register your project at www.GYSD.org/map [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tk4yJLQvd-M-OUSS93mR9-3TFotqsgzaQ0-LdbgVPASNf63uutLlHKYKIyGkUX35LZohJZ1ADreHwLuVnJwEyR4EMi91HmzXIiYBA-P1k9ag==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> GYSD 2013 By the Numbers
> * 74 Projects Registered on the GYSD
> Map [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tFA2gYp8LU_dAOHE0P3ROnyvYHqnPpO768AsSbHnvszRPaTPMraxKQXedRbkKC-LjGNsUKRArgYEV0dvtmuJ-lD3c2X5coir_mnMRMXVjdyg==]*
> 23 U.S. States with Projects Registered
> Top States: (1) Minnesota (2) Texas (3 - tie) California, Florida, Kansas, North
> Carolina
> * 11 Countries with Projects Registered
> Top Countries: Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan
> GYSD Partner Days of Service [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5vUCtSplD1a1k-9pVc7xVa9TUtdL6ZzDprxdBPEkilw3OOY1qPBQHcbOHcZMCqM03LJpqgLmv9sdz8QGNMRhYeXKTd6fZ2WU0xfuMxq8-tvw0ZilAIzZzH8]:
> J-Serve - International Day of Jewish Youth Service - April 28, 2013
> In April 2013 more than 10,000 Jewish teens from around the world will  come together
> to serve their communities and make a difference. J-Serve is the International Day
> of Jewish Youth Service. Since 2005, J-Serve has been a part of YSA's Global Youth
> Service Day weekend. J-Serve provides teens with the opportunity to fulfill the 
> Jewish values of gemilut chasidim, acts of loving kindness, tzedakah, just and charitable
> giving, and tikkum olam, the responsibility to repair the world. Across the globe,
> teens will join each other to make their community and the world a better place.
> www.jserve.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5sP4u1t8KcdxRm1RQDWZwixvEydmcrx9Ljl5VTKMJm6DouHLjkC1m0rk9J5JooXP9zvrkPaBHHv7mDklE6sxrJk8w0nULZkwcs=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> News From The Field
> Read Across America - March 1
> "Grab your Hat and Read with the Cat"- return to the beloved Dr. Seuss tale of mischief
> and celebrate the joy of reading across the nation on Friday, March 1, this year's
> official NEA's Read Across America Day. Everything you need to plan and promote 
> a Seussational reading event  is available at: http://bit.ly/VzuyYd [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5vp2fWBr2lrNuRZ_v4lXv6xNmaL1j3YNvPYBtw18BhGS3rl_u0xJcCJ4gBYUf7TVV0-H0kR5RO89pNKBouzFC6txFjHvnVHh8A=]Volunteer, Travel, or Lead?
> Would you rather volunteer, see the world, or be a leader? Watch this video [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5srw-8nHWEF6K906qQl3zCBUM0tpT_YDumKnKAMbmZLuc-6ELPI5fYl2HCUmUuqTw20-Esu-I_7Ss0SqDwH0eNPUb73MVFBWUTWh5jEzRDsBO5KuVhN5qkLMyaZ8iOOQR6oPOCBeYsuQiEqpWUbYyNj]about how Rotary can help you do all three, then
> vote on what you would do [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5sQucnfbo9lR-fkk9Jb3ar5EcO3JdK38YKEcdx-n6FcpypD-O-ZoZkYGH0KK-b6_JrunsLiv9OJCTvBsJbhoha_gYdUvECnV9alw7Z_RFceypwMsjfcdak-V9mVmLNVmmX-w9qzNEHttnOur-cN_c1jLWUjLFoMCMcV8_0lYw1KTFbR16_INV8SuZqoSf63tHu0uj_2pEpD-g==]on Facebook by liking your choice and 
> making its image your cover photo. Get your vote in by February 28th! www.facebook.com/interactofficial [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5uialheNZOyxmeJMmIZf6WtI6A7z7tzUM6Ld84DBbOwscN5GX3-4B9VynUon7g9YcDnHVwg7U7HXPjBsoVmguj_36bKpOKN5Q2M8oL-Y4Gk29HA0aTZVYF9LHmCtIBciCc=]Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - February
> Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month is a national effort to raise
> awareness about abuse in teen and 20-something relationships and promote programs
> that prevent it during the month of February. Hosting an event is a great way to
> raise awareness in your community. Want to show a video at your event? Check out
> the video libraries from Love Is Not Abuse and loveisrespect.org. http://bit.ly/Yq1ejz [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5t5_7n8WazWRdq_GHxcKimCRdYyVgRO5XwctCtgScQ8pWnGUcck9neKEph2Hg4QgtMI4_wThiAtJj6GXvHuxgvHWQ8Zq__Fk4A=]National Eating Disorders Awareness Week - February 24 - March 2
> NEDAwareness Week is the largest education and outreach effort on eating disorders
> in the United States. The aim of NEDAwareness Week is to increase awareness and 
> education about eating disorders and body image issues for effective recognition,
> early intervention and direction to care. Everybody Knows Somebody who has been 
> affected. Everybody can get involved. http://bit.ly/VQJsM6 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5t3XDOukhqeJaJsrGsTwDqzhdredeuyPS1p3PcDJPUZaMJN9ZGetbuoGShQEMhDtA_w0pJjmGRAe6MUGskkodkraris8o_Y2Tc=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Grants & Awards
> Huggable Heroes Program
> Deadline: February 28
> The Huggable Heroes program recognizes young leaders between the ages of eight and
> 18 years old, doing extraordinary things in their communities or around the world
> to better the lives of others. Ten Huggable Heroes will each receive $10,000 which
> includes an educational scholarship, a donation to a charity of their choice, and
> a mentoring scholarship to support their charitable entrepreneurships. Entry forms
> are available at all Build-A-Bear Workshop stores in the United States, Puerto Rico
> and Canada, and online at: http://bit.ly/V18CUb [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tFBaMR88eaFuZzpYSF499jfELOb4fL-a5yF63kfPmYlmITLSbbdSinrOhgEUgNa5AFfq733NLQr1ieOzLmg4yJG7CaJ6aWnXg=]Captain Planet Foundation Grants
> Deadline: February 28
> U.S.-based schools and organizations with annual operating budgets of less than 
> $3 million are eligible to apply for grants from the Captain Planet Foundation. 
> Grants  support high-quality educational programs that enable children and youth
> to understand and appreciate our world through learning experiences that engage
> them in active, hands-on community service projects to improve the environment 
> in their schools and communities. Preference is given to requests seeking seed funding
> of $500 or less and to applicants who have secured at least 50 percent matching 
> or in-kind funding.  http://bit.ly/y1tPpz [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5uCI0hJYHlPgfZAsgAktGxSh6-iqjSUiUg9HwKVCzdNyZkpN2hIb4ZL5EvAtPttwt5zVb8plIy-gGExhfPDOjRGxCJbFsVR0ro=]Get Ur Good On Grants
> Deadline: March 10
> It's Time to Get Ur Good On(TM)! Get Ur Good On Grants offer young people around
> the world an opportunity to help make a lasting positive change. With $500 Get 
> Ur Good On Grants, you'll have the inspiration, project support, and necessary funding
> to turn your idea into a reality. Youth, ages 5-25 worldwide are eligible to apply
> for a $500 Get Ur Good On Grant to support youth-led projects. Projects must address
> a demonstrated community need or issue. Service projects will be held in conjunction
> with Global Youth Service Day-the largest service event in the world, on April 26-28,
> 2013. www.GYSD.org/gysd_grants [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5seseTyUStqCXLpj4KtDLaj9ZW-fQFxVkc0QZ0XoqCPRHG-LeZvoUU-5xm2BH6PxqvQ_vVK9JSqTD0PBXMFz0mvb0Cbb2z7doiyvI6t_RPvwJSypY5bRFEW]Generations United Youth Volunteer Award
> Deadline: March 30
> Generations United seeks nominations for an individual age 25 or younger who has
> made an outstanding contribution to an intergenerational program or who has advocated
> for older adults and youth. The award winning individual will receive the Award,
> two complimentary banquet tickets, and national recognition. Generations United
> will present the award during its 17th International conference, Intergenerational
> Pathways for Strengthening Communities, at an awards banquet on August 1, 2013 in
> Washington, D.C. http://bit.ly/XonHBu [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5vc3Hhy1qae2zm1FVwZ8rTFYxR5Ca8-fWXwENqBiHYnFOf04T2HXwojgM_9UZyd150z5Xa3TuYbD1vLsun3dUktdhIlFr4MU5U=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Everyday Young Heroes
> Sarita Damaraju
> Corpus Christi, TX
> YSA recognizes 14-year-old Sarita Damaraju of Corpus Christi, Texas, as an Everyday
> Young Hero for efforts to combat childhood obesity by promoting a healthy life style
> and good sleeping habits for youth.
> Recognizing that childhood obesity was a major problem in Corpus Christi was  named
> "The Fattest City in America" by Men's Health Magazine in 2010, Sarita responded
> by launching Mission FitPossible. Sarita started her campaign with the help of 
> her friends by hosting booths at health fairs, gyms, charity walks, and cultural
> festivals. In order to make a bigger impact on youth throughout the city, Sarita
> surveyed elementary schools' physical education classes over a 10 week period and
> awarded prizes to the most improved classes. Sarita has partnered with the Mayor
> of Corpus Christi, the Mayor's Fitness Council, and the Superintendent of Corpus
> Christi Independent School District in order to promote exercise and healthy eating
> in classrooms throughout the city. Through their fundraisers and annual 5K Walk/Run,
> Mission FitPossible has raised as much as $20,000, in which the proceeds supported
> physical education classrooms and equipment.
> For her dedication to ensuring healthy and active youth and teens in Corpus Christi,
> we honor Sarita as an Everyday Young Hero.
> To nominate a young person who has improved their community through service to be
> recognized as an Everyday Young Hero, please visit www.ysa.org/awards/hero.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Resources & Trainings
> YSA Webinar: YOUth Changing the World 101
> Tuesday, February 26 at 3pm EST & 6pm EST
> Join YSA for a free webinar for K-12 teachers and their students. Learn tips from
> YOUth Changing the World: A Service Project Toolkit, and hear how teachers and students,
> as well as YSA's Youth Council, have applied the strategies to their own projects.
> With the YOUth Changing the World 101 webinar and the YOUth Changing the World: 
> A Service Project Toolkit, you will have the tools to build a high-impact service
> project that will make a lasting impression on your students and on your community.
> Register for 3pm Eastern: http://bit.ly/13p4P4S [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5uJWOXfaC2hMKNno7Mev49_nWFZrp04MCGvPpbGWq6rNNSk1pFQoXtKdgUb7hYss5Z7jib5KgbylKkFdGozWDBobDJrjZFC4_o0PeXm_iznwQ==]Register for 6pm Eastern: http://bit.ly/UO1ahJ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5seytE0iTJj52IAPGPLTIWtnL1fPUM2tKIyITfsDbFcCXZQ-os-_OiuNY_HIxhp-HuQZBvzef-Zuc2O5VwECraSjBa7wGvt2fo=]Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Leadership Academy
> Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer is seeking rising 11th and
> 12th grade students who are passionate in making a difference in their community.
> These students will be offered an opportunity to attend The ALSF Leadership Academy,
> a 4-day, 3-night leadership program at Villanova University. This hands-on, interactive
> program allows students to develop leadership skills to help them implement their
> goals and dreams, as Alex Scott did. Programming expenses, food and lodging will
> be provided for all students accepted into the program. Know an amazing high school
> leader? Have them apply by April 6. http://bit.ly/11YqZzQ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5sFMUlSXN5BsuIzI-BBX-UtZ0HHkK-oMPBCV-h1CQMEFeN2oBjoUkWeHPiXoTgSKA6b2fH6R2wx_9HF5ujadeM-MOg7m4EnjW3lU1_6f_4ngQ==]NYLC Webinar: First Generation College Students: Breaking the Cycle
> Wednesday, March 6 at 6:00pm Central
> Join a filmmaker from the movie First Generation and learn about the barriers that
> first generation college students face, and how you can use the film First Generation
> to spread information and jump-start related service-learning projects within your
> community. http://bit.ly/13p6jfq [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5vqe734us5X9i1lIZKy94EWQamIu2nPInAKzczL7xqaM4jYMiRlFYe6KqwoKB1oCfdMuFJOn7ASC8ZrF9L3-2tTFNPiAKO0Xz2oDng9s78ULA==]What Do Young Adults Know About Politics?
> CIRCLE released a large national survey of young Americans which showed that most
> young adults who voted in 2012 could choose an issue that was important to them.
> The findings indicate a clear relationship between respondents' high school civics
> education experiences and their knowledge of campaign issues and political participation
> in the 2012 presidential election. http://bit.ly/WdAd3b [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tegszEXA3wmx_D99WiNkztv0Ra4rar88TRSRTwHY0m840VR5Pt4qvIEkafTZI59wwnhtTUTYTCXnQMj8IYZ0VB3itgX1ZGxU8=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Service Calendars
> Conferences & Events
> 24th
> Annual National Service-Learning Conference [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5uVezR5vcqWpBpDYb7ZdGWwt2SZ3SjoXmXAVOxy5x7EhhQYn5lEck2J-AwLUXJYFqrtDn2yACwLDo7KsWQ4s7ZXLc7Ul7LFUYR2BdKBDyGKVMBplTcfxsuU_P82aysWEmop_1CkTf4c1s5RdusEEZUX]March 13-15, 2013 - Denver, CO
> National AfterSchool
> Association Annual Convention [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tz1RBJGRUpyinkqwSsWSD1zUez8Q80Y-TcRCN7rD0mGycQqZ5_Tj_oh_xIsEa4iw8qYjgecWbCFk5tVGjF_5LZyX7Khq--a84fuZ5JUUL8LmPkULzUOiy77-UKoilYFiEQB4qfr9NcTQ==]April 7-10, 2013 - Indianapolis, IN
> National
> Conference on Volunteering & Service [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5u3iyV-PHdkLxzU8Zpa0PFV6gBsWq0mZP9P3J3hAH1NIm8F2Zq5Qdyx79ttB5LIoucpcjCSix_waZmfHjFuV5t5mqsUHrbxKOl14Nooy_XgcWLiss2K8NUHI3KG9umemm4vwrPpjMJWCF55BZA1K_pd]June 19-21, 2013 - Washington, DC
> Seasons of Service
> February 2013
> National
> Eating Disorders Awareness Week [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5vl6HD7m4fcPAwKXC_1AhgJQKDzA0xKiHnC5ANVg2FyKQeMUAMJvaUI5g6D3cWBW4RrqPbHgpI8xvSteFCRfjfKMshr9MAGg2WMSZY4vOPmFeL9jajvUO1tOZd1HNmZu7EKkcizpN71MuejbDmvkzMp]-
> February 24-March 2
> March 2013
> Best Buddies Month [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5tk4yJLQvd-M4ZJa5VWHCPsX25-T5zbbRky1mkXwXe3YsiBBp7IS5SDr4tig74hrWw4EhrR7xCxTrkxUJ3HsIxl5z4hZxXkmu7ccej62HB6lw==]Youth Art Month  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5saxenW_pohdddKrgMImo7_LPaXssvGHnKCav04RVShaIx-CjDmGeqtK-eEzyWXP_NjrqnptqoGC0WjVpmJ6YFoixjl2GNh1_ACdEvfs9e88eY2mHYFdNPnsQJp-tdraTc=]National Nutrition Month [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5t46000ooWRs2pZAkd3xnGXeKQQG0W1r3EFtvJBfn0ZfZvcdS31eZBII5H_5rZw4EbX6obmblGHDCTaHow2hOxQiIK5gecY_coFeSokyazbJg==]Great
> American Cleanup [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5smbTeTa1qTkSAKOOvIYp7cDC43gDh9ByuAAULg4H5fPHyyc_A6x8qaFAmLuNCLxH2iHfE6Un-UgWZU31i8V6kNYNl-DPnkambc6jMo3lHKcRobVWBsRaIIJFBP2qcyGQog7jgd0Z7w2fN1XjZSQdLW]- March 1-May 31
> Read Across America Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5sDgg7eyZU9QCN7w57_t861CewB1T68ZwbvCpZcXvGFry-KT3ExGZwQNoaZ646iKdD8oAIFTeAnHTuU1E8uuioY7RH1G2jcIiZc7ArVJXGkcejoUL49qUyn]- March 2
> World Book Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5uuv0K599q_yBjh4WC-91PU6fS0aFwGMU4o48GIfiIXEhzyj0HKIR_bexQjvMJZohW7u8Sb_yRpVZ_vm2ue1Oq__7-wh4t74FjEOQxxtNKOxA==]- March 4
> International Women's
> Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5u_QsZZP7EU5-xH2p113_gr1FRNVqZL-cCPhQciLZMhrTpmBg1yuQdxu6XzD-_Ttj5TlAZVT2kHDJO2XWKgg-2OoGgqntYXQXNeKgvhCPCWeAW69YX97R9s]- March 8
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Song of the WeeK
> Bob Marley - "Get Up, Stand Up"
> "Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
> Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight!
> Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
> Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight!
> Most people think,
> Great god will come from the skies,
> Take away everything
> And make everybody feel high.
> But if you know what life is worth,
> You will look for yours on earth:
> And now you see the light,
> You stand up for your rights."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Editor
> Mike Minks
> Director of Outreach
> and Innovation
> Editor-in-Chief
> @michaelminks [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LidgErqPC5trKMY5zbJtpO7W1dla7JnrmhScYmU-Nwl9T4WSg91YNuIETZbR1ouDEMQf11bgs1qVV5vIa6jZ41pcKllTmKVc0YcCdDl5NxnXnegiEUNCgyENVVQTK0V2uyD3VvkFvKo=]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> Youth Service America | 1101 15th Street NW | Suite 200 | Washington | DC | 20005
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