[Community-service] Let's Get Involved

Darian Smith,President, National Federation of the Blind Community Service Division president at nfbcommunityservice.org
Thu Jan 4 15:05:30 UTC 2018

Happy new year to everyone,
  I hope that everyone had a joyous time with family and friends and celebrated the journey which was 2017.
 2017was a year where a lot of exciting  things took place in the division and I think we should be proud of these things.
 From creative conference calls to exciting and  inspiring convention gatherings.
 Our division  once again came together and  showed that we as blind people can live the lives we want   through service to others.
 On the flip side, our post-convention momentum was not as strong as in years past,  and we have struggled to keep the level of activity that the division is used to.
  In truth, many divisions find difficulty keeping the post convention momentum due to the fact that  life tends to happen  not long after we return home. 
 Work, family, social and other federation matters easily take up our time.
  To our membership, I want you to know that as the calendar turns to 2018, I plan to recommit myself to this division that we have worked  so hard to build.
 I want you to know that these aren’t just words a president should say, but  words from a person who several years ago  dreamt up an idea that turned into a shared vision amongst friends. some of those friends  are still an active part of this vision,  others  a part of it in spirit.

 This year  is an opportunity to dream big and build bigger and I hope you are as excited to do so as I am.
 The future of this division is one that will be built on the ideas, the time and the effort of more than just one, more than just a few, but  many.
 My friends and federation family  let’s do what we do best, and let’s get involved!

Darian Smith
President, National Federation  of the Blind Community Service Division

Web: www.nfbcommunityservice.org

Twitter: @NFB_CSD

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CommunityServiceDivision"

E-mail: president at nfbcommunityservice.org <mailto:president at nfbcommunityservice.org>


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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