[Community-Service] Why I serve

Kamille Richardson kar910 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 20:59:44 UTC 2023

Greetings everyone,
My name is Kamille Richardson and I serve as the vice president of this illustrious community service division! My servants heart was passed down from my late beautiful mother! She was always there to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, and encouraging word, and a hot meal to anyone who needed it! I am honored to say that I have followed in her footsteps, all except the hot meal part! L O L! One of my areas of expertise falls in the assistive technology department! Ever since the pandemic, we have been zooming in and out of all kinds of meetings! My mission has always been to ensure that all of my blind brothers and sisters are able to participate in these meetings fully and independently whether they be for work or a chapter meeting! I thoroughly enjoy my role in this division and I am extremely excited to see what this next year will bring! So tell me, why do you serve? 🙌🏽 😘 

Kamille A. Richardson

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