[Ct-nfb] Bad News may not make convention after all

Richard McGaffin rmcgaffin at snet.net
Thu Nov 3 14:08:08 UTC 2011

Well guys looks like I maybe wheezeling out of convention. Unfortunately our ride was cancelled. Although I don't mind taking the train, it's an added expense I wasn't counting on. After looking at the brochure I now know that I have to call the hotel when I get to the station, this is not possible because we (meaning) my wife and I don't have  cell phones any longer, Beth I'll see what I can do about getting our door prize money up to you. 
If anyone is going from the West Haven area and is willing to pick us up I'd gladly give you money for gas, but paying for the train, and possibly a cab is just too much. Unfortunately although my wife drives she's not confident enough to drive on the highway, and I just can't put her in a situation like that, I'm still hoping to figure out something, but it's not looking good.
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