[CT-NFB] High ranking election officials on At Large conference call.

James Cronin jcronin442 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 02:34:19 UTC 2022

Hi Federation Family.

I am excited to say Secretary of State Kohler and Tom Bromley,
Director of Elections, will be our guest speakers this Wednesday,
October 16, 2022, at the At Large Chapter Meeting. Both officials will
talk about methods of voting, but more importantly, this is a great
opportunity to voice our concerns and questions and needs as blind
voters in Connecticut.
The meeting starts this Wednesday at 07:30PM Eastern. The conference
call numbers are the same, as always: 1- 425- 436- 6349 access code
223- 2614#

Please pass this information on to others who are blind or visually
impared. It's a perfect chance to be heard by those who help make the


Jim Cronin

At Large Chapter President
National Federation of the Blind
          of Connecticut

P  203- 762- 6255
jcronin442 at gmail.com

Live the life you want, blindness is not what holds you back.

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