[CT-NFB] Definition of the Colors of the Handicap Placards

f rmirdi at aol.com
Sun Nov 19 22:50:12 UTC 2023

Hello friends,

   I heard Mary Silverberg ask about what the colors of the handicap 
placards meant, on the recording of the the Nov. 5ht business meeting. I 
looked it up and here is what I found.

The different meanings are:

Red placards: These are issued to people with temporary disabilities and 
are temporary permits. these include people with a broken leg, heavily 
pregnant women, or those with limited mobility. These are renewable 
every 6 months.

Blue Placards: These are for people with permanent disabilities such as 
those who require the use of a wheelchair, who suffered loss of limbs, 
or like us blindness. These are issued as permanent permits but they 
need to be renewed every 6 years.

Green Placards: These placards are issued to organizations who transport 
disabled people. These are also renewable but it varies from state to 

Light Blue Placards: these are issued to people who require the use of 
wheelchairs only. This enables them to park in designated parking places 
for wheelchair users. These are also permanent permits and are renewable.

I don't know if Connecticut has the light blue placards but I thought I 
would include it. I hope this helps. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Sincerely, Becky Ireland Chapter & NFB of CT Secretary rmirdi at aol.com 
Cell: 860-384-8451 "Whenever we are impressed with what a non-human 
animal does its simply because we underestimated its intelligence." Neil 
deGrass Tyson

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