Joseph Kolczynski joesan1215 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 10 15:40:13 UTC 2024

Hello Everyone,

We  are now in the final two weeks of our Birdies for Charity fundraiser for the National Federation of the Blind of CT.
Admit it,  you'll miss us, or at least, our corny CHIRPS!

It's not too late to donate  to NFB-CT through the Travelers  Championship Golf Tournament and their  Birdies for Charity Program.  This year, the tournament will run from June 17th to the 23rd, which is the LAST day you can make your donation.

If we flock together, we can meet our goal of $2,500.  So flap your wings and help us to build our nest egg.   WE need YOU NOW.   Bonus - for every donation made, Webster Bank will add 15%,  which will make your donation go even further.

- Do you have a friend or family member who has lost their vision or someone who is currently losing their vision?

- Do you know someone who is no longer able to drive and has become dependent on others
for transportation?

- Do you know someone who can no longer do their job and must retrain for  different work?

- Do you know someone who needs to learn how to accept their vision loss and learn new mobility skills?

- Do you know someone who has had to l;earn new technology skills in order to navigate the world?

Our CHIRPS may be silly but our work is SERIOUS.
Just click on the link, NFB-CT Birdies for Charity 2024 <https://partnerhq.com/public/events/2024-travelers-championship-birdies-for-charity/organization_partnerships/3621>  It will take you to the NFB-CT donation page.  There are three donation buttons on the page.  Choose the button  at the middle left or bottom right of the page.
This will take you directly to the NFB-CT donation page.  Sunday, June 23rd is the LAST day that you can donate.  You can also learn more about the work of the NFB-CT on our website, www.nfbct.org<http://www.nfbct.org>

Please share this CHIRP with your family and friends on Facebook or your favorite social media.  For those of you who have already made your donation, you continue to have our Gratitude and Appreciation!

Let's meet our goal together.
Thank you,
Mary Silverberg and Joe Kolczynski
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