[CT-NFB] Helen Keller Day June 27,2024

Mary Silverberg marysilverfox at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 22:15:10 UTC 2024

Thank you for sharing the Helen Keller article.  I enjoyed it too

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 12:28 PM Deb Reed via CT-NFB <ct-nfb at nfbnet.org>

> Thank you so much for sharing, Becky! What an intelligent and accomplished
> woman. This blog provided information I never knew about her, and it makes
> me want to read some of her books!
> Sincerely,
>  Deb Reed
> Central CT Chapter President
> National Federation Of The Blind
> Phone - 860-973-3679
> Cell-860-378-5370
> Email - deb.reed57 at gmail.com
> On Jun 26, 2024, at 9:10 PM, Becky Ireland via CT-NFB <ct-nfb at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
> Hello Friends,
>   I received this from my friend Roz in Mass. I thought it would be nice
> to share with you today. The Blog is all about Helen Keller and all the
> wonderful things she has done. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
> UsableNet Blog - Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 1:30 PM
> June 27th is Helen Keller Day
> On June 27th, we celebrate Helen Keller Day as part of Deaf-Blind
> Awareness Week. For this blog, we've created a Helen Keller FAQ. Keep
> reading to learn about Helen Keller's life and explore how her legacy is
> relevant to the work of accessibility advocates in 2024.
> Who was Helen Keller?
> Helen Keller was an American deaf-blind activist, a well-known writer, and
> a lecturer who advocated for laws to protect and help people with
> disabilities.
> What is the well-known story of Helen Keller?
> Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880 and lost her hearing and sight
> due to a disease before the age of two. At seven, her parents sought help
> from the Perkins School for The Blind. Anne Sullivan—the teacher nearly as
> famous as Helen—was asked to work with Helen.
> A breakthrough in communication occurred at a water pump. Helen connected
> the concept of water with the word spelled into her hand by Anne. That day,
> Helen learned her first word, "water." As Helen grew older, she learned
> sign language, to read and write in Braille, to touch–lip read, and to
> speak.
> What advocacy work did Helen Keller do?
> Helen Keller traveled the world advocating for people with disabilities,
> promoting state-funded programs, job training, and education for the deaf,
> blind, and deaf-blind. She lobbied for laws to protect these groups and
> helped found the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
> Keller believed,
> "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done
> without hope and confidence."
> How did Helen Keller contribute as a humanitarian?
> Helen Keller used her fame to advocate for marginalized groups, supported
> the women's suffrage movement, opposed child labor, and was a founder of
> the ACLU. She also supported the NAACP.
> Reflecting on her belief in the potential for progress and change., Keller
> once said,
> "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming
> it."
> What are some little-known facts about Helen Keller?
> • Helen Keller graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College as the first
> deaf-blind person with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
> • She spoke at least four languages: Latin, French, German, and English.
> • Her teacher, Anne Sullivan, was also visually impaired.
> • Helen could recognize people by the vibration of their footsteps and
> enjoyed music through vibrations.
> • She was a vaudeville performer.
> What is Helen Keller's legacy today?
> Helen Keller's advocacy work paved the way for the passage of laws like
> the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, which prohibits
> discrimination against people with disabilities.
> Keller's belief in education's power to foster tolerance continues to
> inspire inclusivity and understanding today.
> Why is Helen Keller relevant to UsableNet?
> Helen Keller worked to remove barriers for blind, deaf, and deaf-blind
> individuals. In 2024, accessibility includes ensuring full access to apps
> and websites for people with disabilities.
> "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."
> This quote from Helen Keller reminds us of the importance of planning for
> accessibility and inclusion.
> How can I ensure my website is inclusive for all?
> Ensuring your website is inclusive alig
> ns with Helen Keller's lifelong advocacy for removing barriers and
> promoting equal access for people with disabilities. Just as Keller worked
> tirelessly to create opportunities and improve the lives of people with
> disabilities, making your website accessible ensures everyone can access
> the digital world regardless of their abilities.
> UsableNet offers solutions that can help you achieve this inclusivity.
> Watch a demo.
> Where can I learn more about Helen Keller?
> In her best-known book, The Story of My Life, Helen Keller wrote about her
> childhood and young adulthood.
> The book was adapted into a play and then a 1962 Disney movie called "The
> Miracle Worker."
> Keller also wrote several books, including Optimism, The World I Live
> In, and The Song of the Stone Wall.
> Find out more about Helen Keller Day and other resources about her life
> and legacy here.
> Image removed by sender.
> 2023-11-CTA-UsableNet-WebAccessibilityRoadmap-680x200-v2
> Editor's Note: Research for this blog was completed by former UsableNet
> Intern Lily Mordaunt. The blog has been updated for 2024. Read more blogs
> from Lily here.
> https://blog.usablenet.com/june-27th-is-helen-keller-day
> --
> Sincerely, Becky Ireland Chapter & NFB of CT Secretary rmirdi at aol.com
> Cell: 860-384-8451 "Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't
> mean he lacks vision." Stevie Wonder "Whenever we are impressed with what a
> non-human animal does its simply because we underestimated its
> intelligence." Neil deGrass Tyson
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