[Ctabs] July 2023 State Board Meeting Minutes

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Wed Aug 16 19:58:52 UTC 2023



Below, and attached, are minutes from our July Board Meeting.







President Maryanne Melley called the meeting of the NFB of CT Board to order
at 11:15 AM.


Roll Call:

Members Present: Maryanne Melley (President), Deb reed (Board Member),
Nathanael Wales (1st Vice-President), Becky Ireland (Secretary), Mary
Silverberg (2nd Vice-President), Cheri Duquette (Treasurer), Jim McCollum
(Board Member), Beth Rival (Board Member), and Veronica Alston (Board


Pres. Melley led the members in the NFB pledge.




Treasurer's Report Cheri Duquette

Cheri gave the Treasurer's report. If you would like a copy, please contact
Lucia at  <mailto:llee at nfbct.org> llee at nfbct.org and she will forward you a

Comments and Questions:

*	Pres. Melley stated that she and Cheri discussed transferring some
of the NFBCT funds into an account with a higher interest rate. She is still
waiting to hear from Merrill Lynch and is planning to call them on Monday
for more information.
*	Marchele Davis asked, "What does it mean when you say restricted and
unrestricted funds?
*	Cheri Duquette responded That restricted funds can only be used for
what they are designated for (i.e., scholarships, the Harlow Grant etc.).
The unrestricted funds are the money that was donated that we can use for
whatever we choose (i.e., Subsidies for conventions, office supplies, paying
bills etc.).
*	Nathanael Wales asked what the balance in the General funds was?

Cheri Duquette replied, the balance of Restricted funds is $61,767.12, the
balance for the Unrestricted funds is $134,768.23 for a total balance of


Beth Rival made a motion to accept the Treasurer's report.

Seconded: Mary Silverberg

Vote: 9 to 0 motion passes Report approved.


Minutes for April 2023 Board Meeting

Pres. Melley asked if everyone reviewed the minutes.

Mary Silverberg noted one minor error. Under Memorial Bench for Steve
Famiglietti the minutes read "Oak Hill Meet center" the word "meet" should
read "NEAT." (New England Assistive Technology).


Mary Silverberg made a motion to accept the minutes for the April 2023
meeting as amended.

Seconded: Cheri Duquette

Vote: 9 to 0 motion passes minutes approved.


ABPVI (Advisory Board for Persons who are Visually Impaired): Beth Rival

Beth Reported the following:

*	There were three new hires Jennifer Proto, Raya Martin - Adult
Services, and Gary Allen - Adult Services hybrid part time Hartford/New
Haven area.
*	BESB set up three goals for the upcoming year. They also plan to
hire 3 special assistants to work 3 days a week, to have vending machines
with Pepsi installed by July 1st, and to have micro markets installed in
colleges by August.
*	There are three positions available on the Advisory Board. If you
are interested contact Carol Jenkins at BESB to apply.
*	Meetings and conferences with other State Blind commissions have
started up for employees.


Questions and Comments:

Pres. Melley asked whether the micro markets are staffed by the Blind.

Beth Rival replied yes, a blind person will staff Micro Markets.

Nathanael stated If BESB employees continue to work in the hybrid format
they should be held to certain expectations. Such as returning phone calls
in a timely manner, resolving their client's concerns, and meeting all their
client needs. This will make them more accountable for their time.


Request from Carol Jenkins

Pres. Melley stated that Carol Jenkins will be a speaker at our convention
in November. Director Jenkins asked her to have the members suggest topics
they would like her to talk about. The members gave the following

*	Voc Rehab counselors should be approachable and easier for clients
to contact them,
*	Extension of Adult services
*	BESB's support in getting the State to require accessible absentee
*	To ensure that all Voc Rehab counselors stay with their assigned
clients until their case is closed. If the counselor leaves or is promoted,
then they should inform their successor what they are working on with their
clients and any future needs the client may need.


SRC (State Rehabilitative Committee): Deb Reed

Deb reported the following:

*	Director Jenkins posted a position for a Quality Control Reviewer
and a recommendation has been made and is waiting for approval.
*	   In VR they are going to post again for Transition Counselors
*	Interviews have been held for a bilingual counselor and a
recommendation has been made.
*	Interviews for the VR Technician have been rescheduled, a new
administrator for clerical hiring has started, and interviews will begin for
the Secretary 2 position. 
*	Interviews for a second Rehab technologist have begun. Although
there is a social worker vacancy Director Jenkins is working to see if the
funds can be used for client's services without hiring another person.
*	Deb asked what the results were of the assessment done by, "older
individuals who are blind technical assistance center in May. The following
three goals were made:
1. To update our internal policies and processes.

2. To create a pre and post assessment to better evaluate our services and
measure outcomes
3. To create a Satisfaction survey for Adult Services.

*	Jennifer Proto is the new legislative liaison for the Department of
Aging and Disability Services. She has a non-partisan background for the
legislature and fiscal analysis and state department performance analysis.


Questions and Comments:

Marchele Davis asked "You mentioned they are looking for a Rehab
Technologist did someone leave?

Deb replied No, they never had a Rehab Technologist for Adult services. 


BCAC (Bureau of Consumer Advocacy Committee): Melissa Thompson 

Melissa Thompson was unable to attend the meeting due to an illness in the
family. No report was given.


CT Library for Accessible Books: Mary Silverberg and Deb Reed

Mary Silverberg reported the following:

*	Debra Shander, the State Librarian, reported that a slight increase
in funding was appropriated for the State Library and $500,000 was
appropriated for literacy grants and public libraries. Additional funding
for eBooks and audio books was not passed and will need to be resubmitted
during next year's legislative session.
*	Decision making for everything is made by local libraries not
dictated by the state. This includes collection development and management.
This also includes acquisition and retention of books.
*	Matt Geeza, the CT-LAB Director, reported that NLS conducted summer
reading programs which included weekly author talks and programming for
*	  The CT-LAB held 5 outreach programs this summer which involved 200
*	CT-LAB is partnering with the Perkins School Accessibility, in a
pilot program, to make library and museum exhibits more accessible through
digital access. This would include audio description of images and
artifacts. CRIS Radio has done this at Mystic Aquarium, among other museums.
*	The group discussed the programming and formatting of the CT-LAB
newsletter. It is published 6 times a year and sent to patrons by email, US
mail, and is on the Website. Circulation in large print, audio, and Braille
was discussed. Currently there are 5000 library patrons with 1000 having
provided their emails.


PAC Plan (Pre-Authorized Contribution): Len Schenk

Len Schlenk was not available. No report was given.

Pres. Melley spoke briefly about the PAC plan and encouraged members to


New Business


Birdies For Charity: Mary Silverberg

Mary Silverberg reported the following:

*	Our fundraising goal this year was $2500. We received $2000 in
donations and with the 15% from Webster, in the amount of $300, we raised a
total of $2300 this year.
*	There were 24 Donors an increase of 4 from last year.
*	In 2022, 5 or 25% were from the May & June annual donor list. In
2023, 8 or 33% came from the annual donor list. From this source, in 2022,
the total received was $215 and, in 2023, the total was $325.


Members discussed whether an additional mailing should be sent out in April
to invite annual donors one time to contribute to the NFBCT through Birdies.
This discussion was tabled for a later date.


Outreach Tables 

Pres. Melley reminded members that any outreach tables planned must first be
approved by your Chapter President and board. You cannot decide to do one on
your own for your chapter. You are part of an organization and should be
kept professional.


NFB Summer Picnic 2024: Marchele Davis

Marchele Davis spoke about having an affiliate picnic next summer. She
thought it would be a promising idea if members could get together in a more
casual setting rather than just at board meetings and the convention. 

After a brief discussion members agreed to have the picnic. Marchele will
form a committee and start planning the event. If interested in joining the
committee, contact Marchele Davis.


National Convention Round Up: Pres. Melley

Pres. Melley spoke about the following:

*	Beth Rival, Kristen Dockendorff, Deb, and George Reed were pictured
on the cover of the agenda for the national convention. A professional
photographer took their pictures when they did a special segment for the
National office.
*	She said she enjoyed the convention. She also said that it was very
busy and that there was lots to do, see, and learn.
*	She attended many sessions while there. In one session she learned
that the JAWS program is coming out with a new feature. The new feature will
let users know how to center their faces on camera, and if there is anything
that needs to be removed in the background while in a Zoom meeting.
*	NAGDU is currently working on the problem that guide dog users are
having with the airlines. The crucial issues are the inaccessibility of the
necessary forms, and the inconsistency among the airlines. They would like
the airlines to abide by the ADA.
*	Another session she attended explained how to pass a bill through
the legislature. She got useful information and plans to submit a bill in CT
for accessible absentee ballots for people with disabilities. 
*	Next year's National Convention will be in Orlando Florida at the
Rosen Centre Hotel.        

                  Questions and Comments

Members had a brief discussion on NAGDU's efforts with the airlines. If the
airlines should decide not to abide by the ADA, they should consider
accepting some form of ID. Suggestions made were a known traveler ID for
guide dogs and the acceptance of ID's provided by guide dog schools to all
their graduates.


Presentation of Bench for Steve Famiglietti: Mary Silverberg

Mary reported the following:

*	 The bench and plaque have been installed at Oak Hill on 

the grounds of the NEAT Center.

*	We discussed dates for a short dedication ceremony and reception at
Oak Hill. Dates of weekdays in the second half of September or the first
week in October were proposed.
*	  Mary will work with Barry Simon to choose a date and set the
parameters for the event. 
*	Mary also mentioned that the bench was placed next to a tree that
was also dedicated in his memory. They thought it would be a nice quiet
place for reflection. 

Comments and Questions

Pres. Melley briefly went over what she would like to say at the dedication
and how she would like the ceremony to go.

Deb Reed asked if the people who donated the tree would be part of the

Mary Silverberg replied no, it will be just us.


State Convention Update: Jim Cronin

Jim reported the following:

*	On June 27th, Jim Cronin and Allison Arbuckle were given a tour of
the hotel. They were shown the ballroom, the front desk, a sitting area, and
several hotel rooms. 
*	He then briefly described the hotel rooms, the ballroom, and other
areas. He said that everything seemed accessible. He did suggest that they
mark the restrooms more clearly. 
*	He stated that there is a restaurant in the hotel, and it is priced
*	Friday night members must purchase their own dinners. All other
meals will be covered in the cost of the registration fee for the
*	Members who take the train can take a taxi or an UBER ride to the
hotel. Jim briefly described what train routes members could take to the
convention. He mentioned if you take Amtrak or Redcap to call to make their
reservations ahead of time. 
*	You can now reserve your room at the Holiday Inn, call 860-443-7000
and use the code FTB. Check in time is 4 PM and check out time is 11 AM.

The Achilles CT Marathon

Pres. Melley stated that she was contacted by Erin Spaulding. She wanted to
know if we would like to sponsor the marathon again this year. She mentioned
that several members of the NFB will be participating in this year's


Members had a brief discussion about sponsoring the marathon and how much we
would like to donate. 


Nathanael Wales made a motion to donate up to $750 to Achilles.

Seconded: Mary Silverberg

Vote: 9 to 0 Motion passes, donation approved.


Chapter News


Southern Chapter: Marchele Davis

Marchele reported that as of June she is the newly elected President of the
Chapter. They have 5 new members, one who was reinstated. In June they had a
picnic and talked about their future goals. They have plans for a speaker at
their next meeting and an outreach table at a festival in October. Also, the
Chapter purchased 2 plaques and presented them to the Lions Club in
gratitude for their hard work and the sponsorship of the fishing trip and
blind dinner dance.


Central CT Chapter: Deb Reed

Deb reported that the Chapter enjoyed their annual picnic in June. That they
have two outreach tables planned. One will be at Walnut Hill at the Walk and
Rollathon celebrating the anniversary of the ADA, on July 26th. The second
one will be at the Balloon Festival in Plainville on August 25th and 26th.


Hartford Chapter: Melissa Thomson

Melissa was not present. However, Beth Rival reported that the Chapter will
be doing an outreach table at the Berlin Fair in September. She also
mentioned that Maryanne Melley, a Berlin Lion member got both the tickets
and parking passes for the Chapter members.


At Large Chapter: Jim Cronin

Jim reported that at their April meeting they discussed the different
technologies they use. In June Sean Bean spoke at their meeting about the
Independence Market. He also stated that a Steering committee went through
and updated and offered amendments to the Chapter Constitution. When
presented to the Chapter it was unanimously approved. He thanked Jim
McCollum and Chrissy Scrimgeour for their hard work. 


Southwest Chapter: Jim Cronin

Jim reported that the chapter is not yet fully established. They do have 8
members who consistently come to the meetings. They are still getting the
word out. They gave flyers to area businesses, doctor offices, etc. They
have asked Director Jenkins to give their flyers to counselors at BESB so
they can pass it on to clients in their area. 


The next meeting of the NFB of CT Board of Directors will be on November 5,
2023, at the convention.


Meeting adjourned at 2:34 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by,

Rebecca Ireland




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