[Diabetes-talk] I am wondering

Ann Williams clevelandann at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 23 02:20:07 UTC 2008

Hi Dar,

You asked:

Last night on the news a plane in Denver caught fire when it fell off the 
run way.
the fire started in the cabin.
My question is this,
if we are to leave our items on the plane, then who pays for the replacement 
of them all.

I don't know if the airline would cover you, or if travel insurance would replace items lost in a crash.  However, if you have either renter's or home owner's insurance for the place in which you live, you can include coverage to replace items from your house that are lost or stolen.  

Through my home owner's insurance, I once was able to replace a ring that was stolen while I was traveling. 

I am no expert on it, so you should speak to an insurance agent.  I can tell you that renter's insurance is usually very inexpensive. 

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