[Diabetes-talk] My cure of Type 1 Diabetes!

Sally Maguire 1.sally at comcast.net
Wed Aug 19 18:00:01 UTC 2009

Hi everyone!
I am so excited to share with youabout my islet cell transplant.  After living with Type 1 for 52 yearsI had an islet cell transplaant last week.  My blood sugars are now in the normal range although it is supposed to take 4 to 6 weeks for the cells to function normally. I can't believe it!  The procedure is still considered experimental, so there was no charge.  The study is funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.  Am I grateful!!!There are several Universities conducting the study right now.  I had mine done at UCSF.  I was in the hospital for one week and the actual procedure, implanting the cells through a catheter into the liver, only takes about 45 minutes.  I was sick from the immune suppressants while I was in the hospital, but feel great now!  I just knew God would let me experience part of life without diabetes!

So, keep healthy everyone and avoid those complications for when there is a cure for your kind of diabetes, you want to enjoy it!

Sally Maguire

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