[Diabetes-talk] The Importance of Readers...

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Mon Mar 9 15:44:51 UTC 2009

If it is importatn to take the blood work as they say it is,
then it should be up to them to let me know the results, not waiting 
until I get to the office for a ten minute chat.
I need time to think over what was said to me to ask questions.
The sad thing is, after ten minutes I have to wait three months before 
I can ask another question to my doctor.
Excuse me, if I can talk to God on a daily bases,
then the doctor needs to lower his standards.
I don't even get the print any more, because they decided that since I 
couldn't read it, they didn't have to send it to me.

every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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