[Diabetes-talk] questions

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Sat May 9 20:09:23 UTC 2009

I am a little bit hesitant to say this, but I worked in a doctor's office  
for many years prior to going blind.  Test  results in the office I  worked 
for was reviewed by the doctor first and then if they were normal the  
doctor had an assigned person to call the normals to the patient.  This  could 
have been any office staff like secretary.  The abnormal results were  called 
in to the patient by the doctor.
So the word "assistant" might be the factor here.
I believe they should not have hung up on you.  They should have told  you 
if they could not answer your questions that you need to speak to the doctor 
 or if they have a diabetic educator in the office or nurse.  
My advise is if you don't get your questions answered, then ask or call  
back and leave a message for the doctor to call you.  I would not leave in  
much detail why you want to speak to him as you might get the same person that 
 called in the first place, but if yousaid something like, " questions 
regarding  ttest results" that should have the doc call you.
**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

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