[Diabetes-talk] Appreciation

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Sun May 10 01:38:11 UTC 2009

Now trust me, you will get the meter you are asking to stop.
when this happens, tell the mail man to return to sender.
Don't open the box.
This happened to me when I was switching from one company to another.
And I didn't want to use their meter any more.
They stepped in and shared with me what I had to do.
They even paid the Medicare back.
So if this happens to you, just know this is how it goes.
I am pleased you are feeling so much better.
I am told I have wonderful color and look good.
This pleases me very much.
I hope you have a swell vitamin as well.
this helps you feel good to.
I also was told to take a calcium with D.
Asking why, I am told that your bones stay stronger.
So I am doing that as well.
Just sharing what has been shared with me.

every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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