[Diabetes-talk] [SPAM] Re: cholesterol levels

Eileen Scrivani etscrivani at verizon.net
Wed May 20 19:02:16 UTC 2009


If you read the original message, Amy states: "I know that it's important 
not to have a
deficiency in your LDL, but is it possible to be too low when it comes to 
the HDL?"

LDL is bad cholesterol and yes you do want it to be "deficient."  That is 
the lower the LDL the better you are.  The HDL which is good cholesterol you 
want to have at a much higher level what the max, if any on HDL is I am not 
certain.  You do not want HDL to be low.

So there was some confusion in the original post in understanding the 
differences of LDL verses HDL.  And, yes, you are correct that exercise can 
reduce the LDL and help raise the HDL which is what we want. Diet to is a 
factor.  I refuse to go onto the statens as well as cholesterol has benefits 
to the body andthe drugs prescribed deminish the body's levels of essential 
Co-Q10 which is needed for good heart/brain function.  The drugs als 
deminish the levels of vitamin D in the body which I think studies are now 
showing how important it is for a range of bodily functions.


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