[Diabetes-talk] [SPAM] Re: cholesterol levels

Tamera fidano at verizon.net
Wed May 20 20:40:19 UTC 2009

I Read the original  message and I took it she was concerned about the HDL 
levels  getting too low, and  I know enough folks taking  statins who do 
have to make some adjustments because you absolutely do not want your HDL 
too low.  Most folks seem to comprehend pretty well  about lowering ldl, and 
the higher the HDL  the better in simple terms... but  with all the  pharma 
pushing their statins, many miss  the fact  too low HDL is a problem.
 I have  Pharma clients who  have disclosed the benies offered to MD's to 
push their drugs, and I have another  nurse client with Kaiser who  said 
that Kaiser  offers bonuses to their MD's who put all diabetics over age 40 
on statins.. so the truth in benefits of these meds gets muddled.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eileen Scrivani" <etscrivani at verizon.net>
To: "Tamera" <fidano at verizon.net>; "Diabetes Talk for the Blind" 
<diabetes-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: [Diabetes-talk] cholesterol levels

> Tam:
> If you read the original message, Amy states: "I know that it's important 
> not to have a
> deficiency in your LDL, but is it possible to be too low when it comes to 
> the HDL?"
> LDL is bad cholesterol and yes you do want it to be "deficient."  That is 
> the lower the LDL the better you are.  The HDL which is good cholesterol 
> you want to have at a much higher level what the max, if any on HDL is I 
> am not certain.  You do not want HDL to be low.
> So there was some confusion in the original post in understanding the 
> differences of LDL verses HDL.  And, yes, you are correct that exercise 
> can reduce the LDL and help raise the HDL which is what we want. Diet to 
> is a factor.  I refuse to go onto the statens as well as cholesterol has 
> benefits to the body andthe drugs prescribed deminish the body's levels of 
> essential Co-Q10 which is needed for good heart/brain function.  The drugs 
> als deminish the levels of vitamin D in the body which I think studies are 
> now showing how important it is for a range of bodily functions.
> Eileen 

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