[Diabetes-talk] looking for info on diabetes and alcohol

Paul & Paula Jordan paujor at fuse.net
Thu May 28 12:51:01 UTC 2009

Last Monday, I went over to a friend's place for the afternoon, and the
evening meal.  During the course of the time, I had two cans of beer, and
didn't think anymore about it.  

Later that night, I ran my usual evening glucose test, and found I had a
reading of 61, and, I did feel like it to.  

Is the moral of the story that any drink is a bad idea, or where can I go to
get info on this subject.  

I have been an officer in the fraternal order of eagles, but I haven't been
active since my diagnosis, because I'm not sure about having a few drinks
with the members.  I don't abuse alcohol, but I don't know how to deal with
it now.  Please advise.  

I apologize to all on the list for being so lengthy in this question



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