[Diabetes-talk] Just joined

LeAnne Mayne leanne at uddle.com
Mon Oct 12 17:11:23 UTC 2009

At 03:09 AM 10/11/2009 -0400, kc wrote:
My name is Kijuana, and I'm a bit newer with my diagnoses than you.  For me
it has just been under a year.
And I am proud of you KC. You're strong and you're a fighter, and a good
part of why our listserv works.
i'm glad you are a part of us.
LeAnne Mayne 

  LeAnne Mayne     KB9ZEF      leanne at uddle.com
    Listen  to:   LIFE  THE  UNIVERSE  &
                          EVERYTHING  w/Blair Alper           
     Sundays 7pm CDT HTTP://cband.info/rfd2.m3u  
            When he is Motivated to do a SHOW

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