[Diabetes-talk] chalenges

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Mon Apr 12 16:59:04 UTC 2010

I have been a brittle diabetic for over 50 years and my blood sugars bounce 
 a lot.  I have loss the sense of feeling low blood sugars  for a  while 
now.  I have gone from blood sugar level of 30 in the morning up to  500 plus 
at lunch and back to another insulin reaction in the early evening all  in 
one day.  
I went through blood sugars dropping in the night with things going low  
enough to have seizures with a husband working the grave yard shift and 
finding  me on the floor in the morning.
Diabetes is walking a tight rope and control is not always something you  
have control of.  I am not complaining as I keep on top of it all the  time.  
It does not take  much to upset my apple basket, it becomes  more of a 
challenge when you can't feel reactions coming on.  So you live  from one prick 
of the finger to the next and deal with the results.

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