[Diabetes-talk] Advise about checking your blood sugar and giving injections on airlines

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 22:46:41 UTC 2010

Because of the safety issues surrounding us these days with the airlines. I 
would recommend check prior to boarding in the ladies room or men rooms do 
not do it on the plane right next to a stranger.

For one thing if for some reason unless you are flying from California to NY 
non-stop or overseas do not do it in your regular seat on the plane.  For 
one the person that you sit next may not like the sight of blood, you can 
contaminate someone even if you don't have aids or some other disease.  And 
the other, the flight crew wont let you do it, unless you tell them prior to 
boarding you are diabetic and then still they may not allow you to take 
insulin thinking it is something else.  If you have to do it, go to the 
bathroom and do it, but that means getting out of your seat and asking the 
flight crew to get your bag down for you and put it back up there.

But do it in the bathroom and not at your seat on the plane.

Cheryl Echevarria
Independent Travel Consultant


Reservations at echevarriatravel.com
Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10 

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