[Diabetes-talk] Hammer toes

LeAnne Mayne leanne at uddle.com
Wed Apr 21 18:32:36 UTC 2010

At 01:17 PM 4/21/2010 -0400, you wrote:
no Leanne please re-read and not look into it, I had to have my large toe 
removed because I become infected and from the weight on the foot, it 
produced a hammer toe on the toe next to it.
I don't have an issue with it being gone unless someone doesn't like looking 
at my half toe, and I get my feet done once a month.

So do I, had to have orthotic made because 2 toes gone on right foot need
something between big toee and 3rd toe so big toe stays straight.
Take care.

  LeAnne Mayne     KB9ZEF      leanne at uddle.com
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