[Diabetes-talk] testing difficulty

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Sat Apr 23 22:12:26 UTC 2011

I'm with you on this one Mike. I never could understand why all of 
these systems required us to calibrate using a system with a twenty 
per cent error range. Sometimes I do have to do quiet battle with the 
cynical part of me that could be convinced we'll never see 
noninvasive systems because the companies can't figure out how to 
make up for the loss of income if there aren't strips to sell. So I 
don't find myself getting excited any more when I hear about research 
in progress. When it's for sale, and for sale here where I live, call 
me and I'll come running! <grin.>
And yes, bless the researchers and investers, we need them. But for 
now, I'll wait for the actual product announcement. Then I'll be 
first in line, insurance or not. Until then, I'll do battle with the 
callouses on the sides of my fingers and my own shortcomings and see 
how far that gets me. <grin>

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Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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