[Diabetes-talk] gluco trackHop

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Wed Apr 27 21:58:13 UTC 2011

Sounds great. But I've lost count of the number of good things that 
went up for FDA approval and just never came out. Last I heard they 
were something like five years behind on approving software for 
medical devices because of lack of staff. But then, don't even get me 
started on the FDA! I still think companies making accessible medical 
products should be able to get them in under the orphan drug program, 
saving those companies thousands of dollars. I just can't believe how 
much FDA approval actually costs these companies. It's no wonder our 
stuff costs so much.
Of course, this won't stop me from crossing my paws over talking 
insulin pumps and non-invasive BG monitors. I want them last week! <grin.>
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Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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