[Diabetes-talk] callibrating the Prodigy Voice?

Lauren B. Hunter nightingale at pcdesk.net
Fri Feb 18 21:50:40 UTC 2011

Hi List,
   i'm a bit confused and i'm hoping some of  you might have a good 
answer.  i just got my Prodigy Voice back in December, and in reading 
through the instruction manual, my understanding was that it needed to 
be callibrated once a week.  i just reordered my testing supplies, and 
had a bit of a mixup with getting more test solution ordered.  But in 
the process of dealing with that, the person i was talking with said 
that i only needed to callibrate once every 90 days.  Now to me this 
doesn't make sense, since from what i know one bottle of solution is 
only supposed to be good for up to 3 months, which would mean it would 
be only good for maybe two uses if you only callibrate once every 90 
days.  In any rate, i don't know which is correct, and maybe i've been 
callibrating more than i needed to be.  Any clarification on this would 
be grately appreciated.  Thanks so much.

"I am responsible when anyone, anywhere
Reaches out for help, I want my hand to be there"
 From the Shattered Fortress by Dream Theater

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