[Diabetes-talk] Random incorrect readings with prodigy voice

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Thu Jan 20 05:09:55 UTC 2011

It is possible when putting blood on the Prodigy strip to completely 
miss a corner area. Sorry, I'm less kind on this topic. There's no 
excuse with today's technology for meters that start testing before 
there's enough blood. If I knew what the reading ought to be, I sure 
wouldn't be beating up on my fingers! In the vast range of meters 
available to sighted people, there are some that are so much better 
in that they don't perform the test if there isn't enough blood. It's 
why I've held off on using the prodigy. I hope that a future model 
takes care of this problem, I really do.
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		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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