[Diabetes-talk] Back to the solo v2

Michael Peterson itsmike2011 at att.net
Fri Jul 15 09:15:18 UTC 2011

Hi all.  I had my provider replace the solo v2 I had because it was giving me very low readings. Now I am having a different problem and my eating patern hasn't changed in fact two weeks ago my Dr told me my crc is lower than it was I think 6.6 and she was happy with it  I also lost a little weight maybe only 5 lbs but some.
.  She wants my readings between 100 and 150.
During the last two weeks though my readings have been showing usually 140 to as high as324. .  When I got the324 reading I took readings again using two machines, My brothers and mine.  The readings were all over the place from 324, 312, 258 and a couple others I think I did 5 readings but when I got the 258 twice I accepted it. still way to high. 
I wait two hours after I eat and I have had a few low readings like 79 and 114.
My wife says the batery meter shows battery is very good.
I took the batery out for a minute but the only thing that did is mess up the callendar.
Yesterday it read 154 and 190.
Does this sound like I'm doing something wrong or is my diabetese just getting worse for some reason The doctor said two weeks ago to see her in four months should I tell her something is wrong?

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