[Diabetes-talk] Resolution that was past last year

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 16:00:10 UTC 2011

I am not in Russia, and we are working closely on the Blind Patient Bill of Rights here in NY as we speak, which I had brought up when a few of our members here in NY including myself couldn't get accessible paperwork, and assistance needed at hospitals and the after care.

So, it is kind of my baby, since I have worked in the medical insurance industry before and after losing my sight

And being a member, I have a right to ask the question as well. Unless of course, this is Russia and I am being censored.  Well, Mike is in Washington State, which is closest to Russia, no that is Alaska. LOL just a joke.

I will see all in July, maybe 

Leading the Way in Independent Travel!

Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com>

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise & Travel, Inc.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mike Freeman<mailto:k7uij at panix.com> 
  To: Diabetes Talk for the Blind<mailto:diabetes-talk at nfbnet.org> 
  Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 11:48 AM
  Subject: Re: [Diabetes-talk] Resolution that was past last year


  Politics often proceeds with "all deliberate speed", as the Supreme Court puts it. Have you read your June Monitor yet? Consider how long it took to secure passage of the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act. And consider how long it took to get "Braille Bills" passed in many states and as part of the Federal IDEA law. It may take that long and then some to gain passage of legislation accomplishing the intent of the resolution shown below, especially if (as seems likely to me) we must proceed state by state. Rest assured that strategy is being considered by NFB's Governmental Affairs department and, as you know, both the New York and Nebraska affiliates are considering how to tackle the problem.

  I know it's hard when you see people affected by the problem and nothing seems to be happening, especially as quickly as we all would like. However, asking the question over and over and over won't elicit any different answers from those you've received the last time you asked. Work with your state affiliate president, Carl Jacobson and your DAN affiliate president, Mindy Jacobson, to craft legislation for your legislative assembly and to find a legislator willing to introduce it. I'm writing Amy Burish, president of the Nebraska affiliate, to see how we can help their. I'll also put a bug in Lauren MacLarney's ear to see what can be done at the Federal level. Given current politics and some Supreme Court decisions, however, I hold little hope of much happening at the Federal level, at least until we can secure passage of our Technology Bill of Rights.

  To the wall, comrades!

  Mike Freeman
  sent from my iPhone

  On Jun 9, 2011, at 4:25, "cheryl echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com<mailto:cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com>> wrote:

  > I again am asking this question, what has gone on since passing resolution
  > Resolution 2010-13
  > Regarding Insurance Coverage of Accessible Equipment for Diabetics
  > WHEREAS, standard medical treatment for diabetics calls for the patient to monitor blood glucose levels so that he or she can make adjustments in the amount of insulin needed; and 
  > WHEREAS, certain health insurance plans dictate what brand of diabetic equipment a member must use to comply with the treatment regimen, claiming that this strategy controls costs for both the insurer and the insured; and 
  > WHEREAS, most insurance companies contract strictly with one manufacturer, who typically provides only inaccessible blood glucose meters and inaccessible insulin injection devices, presenting a serious obstacle to complying with the testing regimen for tens of thousands of blind people with diabetes; and 
  > WHEREAS, the failure to place accessible blood glucose meters and accessible insulin injection devices on the insurers' formulary lists not only is a barrier to independence for blind diabetics, but also adversely affects their quality of life because of the added difficulties they must confront in attempting to manage and control their diabetes; 
  > I am not going to post the whole thing here.
  > It can be found with all the resolutions that were passed last year in Dallas.
  > http://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/bm/bm10/bm1008/bm100812.htm<http://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/bm/bm10/bm1008/bm100812.htm<http://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/bm/bm10/bm1008/bm100812.htm%3Chttp://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/bm/bm10/bm1008/bm100812.htm>>
  > Is there someone who is willing to give any information pertaining to this.
  > As states, I have heard from others off list, who do not want to be singled out so they contacted me off list
  > That there insurance company will not pay for the talking glucometers, from Private, to HMOs, to Medicaid, to State Employee Insurance Companies.
  > Tons of red tape just to get a meter we can use, or go without testing our sugars.
  > They do not do this to sighted people, just need a script from there physician to get it, even that they do not need.
  > I am working very closely with ADS, since they are my medical supply company, and other then the meters, they want to stand by us so that any products that we need medically does not go to the way side.
  > I may not be able to stay for the whole meeting at convention, or come in late, since I have been asked to speak at 2 other meetings that night. So I am hope before convention not only for myself but for others on this list, who are not NFB members or who are not going to convention, can find out what is going on.
  > Thank you.
  > Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
  > Cheryl Echevarria
  > http://www.echevarriatravel.com<http://www.echevarriatravel.com/<http://www.echevarriatravel.com%3chttp//www.echevarriatravel.com/>>
  > 631-456-5394
  > reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com%3Cmailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com>>
  > Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10
  > Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise & Travel, Inc.
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