[Diabetes-talk] Wow!!! Guess everyone is awake now???

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Fri Oct 21 16:54:00 UTC 2011

I tried to interest a programmer in the idea of controlling a pump 
from a cell phone. Think of the freedom we'd have then! But everyone 
these days is afraid of the liability. Sees! But these young, cheaper 
programmers just love the easy graphic stuff. I wish accessibility 
were a bigger part of programming training. Kind of like architects 
who are so set on creating interesting looking stairs that they 
forget about basic functionality. Same thing.
And I definitely did need sighted help to label the graphics for the 
pump software. The people at the company told me that even they 
weren't fond of the design. I tried to sell them on the notion that 
they were paying this third party company to design software so they 
could say what was and was not acceptable. I think we would have 
gotten a more accessible design if the company hadn't gotten out of 
the diabetes business. Bummer!

We Woof You A Merry Christmas! Diabetes Melodious! And more!
Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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