[Diabetes-talk] Victosa

Susan and Quiz quellavan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 23:18:44 UTC 2012

Hello, I am sorry I am so late in answering this. I am training with my new 
dog and just saw this message. I was taking Victosa and my numbers came down 
quite a bit. While I have been here, I have tested every morning, and my 
highest reading was 126. Now if anyone has been to the seeing eye, you know 
this is very good with all the temptations there are.I did have quite a 
struggle with my insurance to cover it though. There is another medicine 
they might want you to use called Bayetta. I am not sure of the spelling, 
but the pens are not as accessible as the Victosa pens. The physician's 
assistant wrote that in the documentation for why I should be allowed to 
have the medicine. They said the medication not being accessible was not a 
valid reason. She was not at all happy as she had spent quite a bit of time 
showing me how to use the pens. With the Bayetta, you have to do up to 4 
injections a day while you only need to do one for Victoza. I ran out of the 
medication on Thursday. So I will be interested to see if my numbers go back 
up. I was told that I will be able to continue the medicine when I get home. 
I was told that if I didn't try this, I would have to start using insulin. 
If you use the Victoza and it works, that means that you still have enough 
beta cells to avoid insulin for a little longer. I still take the three 
other diabetes medications. But one has gone down to 1 per day. I am hoping 
that they will be cut even more if I can lose some weight. I did lose 8 
pounds in the month I was taking it. Susan and Quiz 

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