[Diabetes-talk] testing difficulty

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Wed Nov 14 11:21:52 UTC 2012

I can't get enough blood for testing.  I've had help from a sighted friend 
who has diabetics in her family and we're not having any luck getting 
enough blood on the test strip or anywhere else after I use the lancet.  I 
have gone into testing several other different areas on my fingers 
excluding the index fingers since I still read and use braille and for 
that reason those index fingers are off limits.  In the last five days I 
managed only one fasting reading and that was 90 on Monday.  Today I took 
my first dose of generic glucophage too.  If I'm lucky, maybe the extra 
medication in addition to generic hctz and generic licinipril and generic 
provocol may help me solve this problem.  Finally, so far as I can tell  
aerobic exercise doesn't help either.

jude <jdashiel at shellworld.net> Adobe fiend for failing to Flash

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