[Diabetes-talk] "Too Young for Insulin?"

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Thu Feb 28 20:34:20 UTC 2013

Hi Mike, and all,

Not to beat a dead horse, but, Mike, you mentioned 
Trigger Finger. I have had both my middle fingers 
operated on to fix that 'locking up' thing when 
you make a fist. That was due, supposedly, to 
calcium deposits building up on the sheaths that 
surround our knuckles or whatever the case is. 
Pinching my tendons, causing Trigger Finger. So 
they cut open the sheath, which is rather like a 
napkin ring, I'm told, going around the knuckle. 
They cut it open to allow the tendon to move 
freely again. Those operations were about 15 years 
ago now. Forgot about those, so thanks for the 
reminder. ;-)

Strive On!

----- original message ----- 
> I've heard of it. Also knew someone with trigger 
> finger.
> Mike

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