[Diabetes-talk] FDA and alternative medicine

Grant E. Metcalf thegems at dslextreme.com
Thu Jul 25 18:03:43 UTC 2013

Bill, I also noticed that last sentence and am in agreement with you. There 
is nothing wrong with "Buyer beware!"
 From: "Bill Lewis" <wlewis19 at cox.net>
Hello Mike,  Thanks for passing this letter to us, but I want to call your 
attention to some facts about what this letter is really about.  Read on 
  In the letter near the bottom, notice that they openly state that they 
have had no data showing injury or death as a result of these OTC products. 
Doesn't that say something to you?
  The government, in case you have not heard already, is trying to find a 
way of driving the alternative medicine market out of business, leaving us 
only  with Obama Care.
  Remember back, Mike, to 1993 when Hillary Clinton tried to ram her Hillary 
Care down our throats?  It came to light that her blue ribbon committee that 
wrote her health care plan did not actually exist.  Her claims about the 
plan's benefits were conspicuously wrong.  And in the plan, she had a 
section that prohibited patients from paying for medical care privately, for 
penalty of prison and/or huge fines, which included the doctors who 
cooperated in an effort to provide private care.  Remember?
  This letter from the government--once again, looking at the person signing 
the letter and her official rank and department and you will see that she is 
one of the parties that Obama set up with immunity and with instruction to 
bad-mouth the alternative med industry out of business.  True, there are 
some companies and products on the OTC market that are scams, but there are 
many others that are legitimate.  The OTC vitamin market, the basic herb 
markets, and others.  So, Mike, be careful.  Read any government, or 
otherwise, pronouncements very very carefully and pay attention to the 
  Contact me if you still are uncertain about this government-issued letter.
  I personally am skeptical about herbs and such, but I sure as heck am not 
going to let this particular government turn our country into a banana 
republic or our health care system into a sshameful excuse for health care 
that is affordable and effective.
  Your friend -- yes, you are my friend; because I ain't going to let nobody 
tell me how to pick my friends!
  Bill Lewis <billlewis31 at cox.net>

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