[Diabetes-talk] 12 hours of Levimeer

Kelly Thornbury kthornbury at bresnan.net
Fri Jun 7 20:25:59 UTC 2013


Levimeer only has a 12 hour effective range, if your doctor tried you on it and didn't explain this difference I would be concerned. I also tried split-dosing the lantis, (which has a 24 hour effective range), and you have to take great care to make sure you take those doses twelve hours apart at the same time every day. Taking a dose too soon, or inside that twelve hour period, puts you at risk of overlapping dosages and essentially having too much insulin in your system. 

When lantis first came out, so many doctors were pushing it as "the next best thing," (thank you drug reps), while it was not nearly as stable or "user friendly" as other medications. You weren't supposed to carry the vial around with you because it was so temperature sensitive; you were supposed to shake it up but "not vigorously" as it was fragile; you were not supposed to mix it with, or inject it too close, to other insulins, and (although I thing this has been resolved) you couldn't get it in an injector pen application. It's biggest advantage was that it was designed as a "once-a-day" injection. 

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