[Diabetes-talk] About Today: It's World Diabetes Day (fwd)
Jude DaShiell
jdashiel at shellworld.net
Fri Nov 15 03:25:48 UTC 2013
jude <jdashiel at shellworld.net>
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Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 09:14:43
From: About.com Today <today at about.com>
To: jdashiel at SHELLWORLD.NET
Subject: About Today: It's World Diabetes Day
What You Need To Know About Today
>From , your Editor and Guide
--------------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE ----------------------------
Diabetes is the 8th leading cause of death worldwide, and 371 million people are currently living with the disease, while another 280 million are at high risk of developing it. If this progression isn't reversed, estimates project that half a <i>billion</i> people will have diabetes by 2030. For <a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18ze&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.idf.org%2Fworlddiabetesday%2F2013%3Fnl%3D1">World Diabetes Day</a>, take a moment to see how you can prevent or delay the disease and, in the process, help mitigate this global health threat.
------------------------- IN THE SPOTLIGHT ---------------------------
All About Diabetes
The body needs insulin (a hormone) to convert the sugar glucose into energy. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't produce insulin, whereas in type 2, the pancreas either doesn't produce enough insulin, or the body doesn't properly respond to it. <a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zW&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fwhatisdiabetes%2Fp%2Fwhatisdiabetes.htm%3Fnl%3D1">The Balance of Glucose and Insulin</a><ul><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zW&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fwhatisdiabetes%2Fp%2Ftype1diabetes.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Understanding Type 1 Diabetes</a></li><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zW&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fwhatisdiabetes%2Fqt%2Ftype2diabetes.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Type 2 Diabetes: The Facts</a></li></ul>
What To Look For
Fatigue, continual thirst, a frequent need to urinate, severe hunger, and unexplained weight loss are all signs of both types of diabetes. Type 1 usually develops in children and young adults, while type 2 can occur at any age. <a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zX&zu=http%3A%2F%2Ftype1diabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Ftype1diabetesbasics%2Fa%2Fsymptomstype1.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes</a><ul><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zX&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fwhatisdiabetes%2Fa%2FPre-Diabetes-Symptoms.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Signs and Symptoms of Early Type 2</a></li><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zX&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fsymptomsdiagnosis%2Ftp%2Friskfactors.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Top 7 Risk Factors For Diabetes</a></li></ul>
How To Lose Weight To Prevent Diabetes
There's no way to prevent type 1 diabetes (it must be treated), but up to 80 percent of type 2 cases can be prevented with a good diet, regular exercise, and by maintaining a healthy weight. <a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zY&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fweightloss.about.com%2Fod%2Fobesityhealth%2Fss%2FDiabetes-Diet-A-Step-by-Step-Guide.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Step-by-Step Guide to Diabetes and Weight Loss</a><ul><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zY&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetes.about.com%2Fod%2Fnutrition%2Fa%2FMediterranean-Diet-And-Diabetes.htm%3Fnl%3D1">The Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes</a></li><li><a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zY&zu=http%3A%2F%2Faltmedicine.about.com%2Fod%2Fdiabetes%2Fa%2Fdiabetes_prevention.htm%3Fnl%3D1">Natural Remedies For Diabetes Prevention</a></li></ul>
---------------------------- MORE TOPICS -----------------------------
Dealing With Complications From Diabetes
Top 10 Tips for Walking With Diabetes
How Much Sugar Can a Diabetic Have?
Diabulimia: Dangerous Combo of Eating Disorders and Diabetes
Why Alzheimer's Is Called Type 3 Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus in Dogs
Must Diabetics Follow a Low-Carb Diet?
------------------------ Run Your First 5K ---------------------------
Run Your First 5K
Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training.<a href="http://slclk.about.com/?zi=1/18zf&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fclk.about.com%2F%3Fzi%3D1%2F1%5DM%26zu%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Frunning.about.com%2Fod%2Fracetraining%2Fa%2Ffirst5K.htm%26nl%3D1"> Read more...></a><br><br>
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