[Diabetes-talk] Ideal Brown

Grant E. Metcalf thegems at dslextreme.com
Fri Nov 15 17:13:04 UTC 2013

My daughter found a good source for xylitol based brown sugar substitute 
called Ideal Brown.  You can find a 10.6 ounce bag for $5.49 plus $4.95 
shipping on the Netrition website at:
http://www.netrition.com  or
phone Orders: 1-888-817-2411
The shipping is flat rate no matter how much you order. I would be 
interested to know if anybody else on the list has tried the Ideal Brown and 
what you think of it.
Now then, Mike wrote: "Hey! Adams Natural Peanut butter is double-plus 
yummy!" and I say: "And double-times that messy!" smile

Bartimaeus Alliance of the Blind, Inc.
Website: http://bartimaeus.us/

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