[Diabetes-talk] DAN Banners, Table Skirts, Anything?

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Sat Sep 7 23:41:50 UTC 2013

Hi Again,

I forgot to ask my question, which was actually the reason I was writing. ;-) 

Do we have any sort of DAN banners or table skirts already? I know it may be an individual affiliate sort of thing, too. So does anyone have such a banner or table skirt sort of thing yet, for their affiliate? I'd be interested in talking with the manufacturer of such a banner, if anyone's already made 1 -- to see about ordering another, y'know? 

Now Mike, I'm almost certain you're going to say something against such expenditures, my friend. You're welcome to, of course. But I'm a bit of a PR Hound, and appreciate such things to help draw attention, y'know? And I'm fine with it coming out of my pocket, to help where it can. ;-)

Strive On!

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