[Diabetes-talk] Testing Frequency

victoria bishop vicky at donbishop.org
Thu Sep 12 15:08:33 UTC 2013

Well, you all raise questions that I intend to ask my doctor next month. This was an introductory visit so we had to cover a lot of ground in a very short period of time. I have more faith in this doctor than the one who diagnosed me last February. It is really hard to move to a new town and find a new doctor, dentist, chiropractor, etc. I will follow this doctor's instructions for the time bing and rely on his interpretation the my blood tests every 3 months for guidance. I agree testing more often seems more advisable, but I'll tell you more when I know more.

I do not intend to cut meat out of my diet. I think it is very important. However, I will watch the amount I eat and incorporate more vegetables and whole grains into my diet. My downfall is bread and potatoes and sweets. I have found a lot of diabetic cookbooks on BookShare from which I am getting ideas about portion control and foods  that  have a low glycemic index. I am a work in process.

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