[Diabetes-talk] Recently DXED Pre-Diabetic

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Fri Sep 13 00:24:30 UTC 2013

Dome be too hard on yourself. You're human. 

On Sep 12, 2013, at 16:21, "Bill Lewis" <wlewis19 at cox.net> wrote:

> Bridgit, You are so right about why we should test on a regular time frame. I can't understand why I saw that truth but was not following it.  Shame on me.   Bill
> -----Original Message----- From: Bridgit Pollpeter
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 8:09 PM
> To: 'Diabetes Talk for the Blind'
> Subject: Re: [Diabetes-talk] Recently DXED Pre-Diabetic
> I mean, without testing more often, or doing that once a day testing on
> a rotation, how do you know any information about what glucose levels
> run at different times or after meals or exercise? Despite what type of
> diabetic, I thought this info was important.
> And like I've said before, an A1-CC will provide you with an average for
> a three-month period, but it won't help you track trends and find
> exactly where those trouble spots are. And again, regardless of what
> type or method of treatment, this seems like important knowledge.
> Far be it for me to speak with authority or question any prescribed
> treatment, but both my endo and nurse educator are shocked that any
> diabetic would not test often. I hosted a diabetes seminar for my
> affiliate convention a couple of years ago, and I was able to have my
> nurse educator, who's now the head administrative nurse for the Nebraska
> Med Center's Diabetes clinic, speak. It was one of the most successful
> seminars for a Nebraska convention, though many don't like to give me
> credit for it, but that's a convo for another day. Anyway, afterwards,
> my nurse educator told me how shocked she was about the lack of
> information current diagnosed diabetics had, and how across the board,
> most were not testing as often as they should, and this included type
> two's.
> So anyway, I just don't understand why any diabetic wouldn't at least
> test before all meals and two hours later. One, to avoid blood sugar
> extremes, and two, so you and your doctors know what is happening at

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